Seriously, if I didn't do this for a living, I'd probably be pretty happy with a pair of Vantages, my Luxman integrated, Luxman combination player and Rega P9.... I could live with that system forever./QUOTE]
So, You only got the CLXs for 'professional reasons'
Yep, I was perfectly happy with my Summits.
No question the CLX is more speaker, but unfortunately the reviewer thing is quite political. When you call a mfr and want to review their 40 thousand dollar CD player, the next question out of their mouth is "What's your system like?" If you tell them that your digital front end is a Modwright transporter, the phone goes click....
No disrespect to Modwright, insert any 3-4 thousand dollar digital front end there...
Same with all the rest of it. If they don't think you are playing on a high enough level, they feel you don't have enough seat time and experience to be entitled to the mega stuff.
What's also helped us ramp up as fast as we did was the fact that I got out the checkbook and bought my reference systems. Again, if the mfr thinks you are just trying to weasel stuff on long term loan so you can talk about it, they think twice about sending it out. Only the top guys at TAS and stereophile get the privilege of not having to write a check and keep the stuff for a year.
Now that I have a pair of CLX's, it's a lot easier to get the 100K speakers in for review...
Wacky, but it's the way the game gets played. It's like driving to the Ferrari dealer in a Hyundai. They won't talk to you, but show up in a Porsche and they figure you have a chance at being able to write the check.