Would you recommend Mosaic for my room?

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Aug 22, 2010
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Hello, I came across a pair of like new Mosaic. A friend of mine has a pair and it sounded quite nice. I am considering whether I should get myself a pair. I have the following (low budget level) equipment: NAD C320BEE intergrated amp, NAD C541i CD player, PSB Image 5T tower speakers.

My room is a bit odd, it is on the second floor and it's a loft style room so it's open (with rails) on one side. So there are three walls, the room is quite small, it's only approx. 8 feet wide and 11 feet long. However, because of the loft style, the distance from the rail to the "back wall" is about 9 feet. My plan, if I were to get the Mosaic, would be to put them against the rail, so there will be about 9' of wide open space behind them, they will be about 1 foot from the side wall, and approximately 7 feet from the listening position. The listening position is right up against the wall.

Hopefully I am making some sense. So with the above equipment and room setup, do you think I should get the Mosaic?

I listen to mostly Jazz and Classical, and some pop.

Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions you can give.


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Hello, I came across a pair of like new Mosaic. A friend of mine has a pair and it sounded quite nice. I am considering whether I should get myself a pair. I have the following (low budget level) equipment: NAD C320BEE intergrated amp, NAD C541i CD player, PSB Image 5T tower speakers.

My room is a bit odd, it is on the second floor and it's a loft style room so it's open (with rails) on one side. So there are three walls, the room is quite small, it's only approx. 8 feet wide and 11 feet long. However, because of the loft style, the distance from the rail to the "back wall" is about 9 feet. My plan, if I were to get the Mosaic, would be to put them against the rail, so there will be about 9' of wide open space behind them, they will be about 1 foot from the side wall, and approximately 7 feet from the listening position. The listening position is right up against the wall.

Hopefully I am making some sense. So with the above equipment and room setup, do you think I should get the Mosaic?

I listen to mostly Jazz and Classical, and some pop.

Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions you can give.

Hola...the Mosaic are now a discontinued product, but this does not means that they are bad sounding speakers. The ATF tweeter is one of the best around, and they produce, a wide sound stage with tons of dynamics. Very clean, sharp and precise with the right size of the instruments. Vocals are very nice projected to the listening room. You will love them... happy listening,
Hi, I have owned & enjoyed a pair of mosaics for several years, fantastic speakers, especially if you get them at a decent price. I have to warn you though, it can be the start of a slippery slope (around here known as Joeyitus, named after Joey_V went from mosaics to vantages to summits in what seemed like a few months!). As tortoise to Joey's hare I've only got to vantages myself, but the mosaics are now a rather fine front pair in the ht room (or lounge as the wife insists on calling it;)). Let us know how you get on.
Thanks for the response. From what I have read, the Mosaic needs a lot of space around them for them to work well. I am not sure I have the "right" room for them and hence the question. Do you guys think it will work in my room? How would you place them? They will either have to be placed against the railing or against the wall opposite the railing. Which is better?
I may be wrong but all of that empty space beyond the railing is also "part" of your room (acoustically speaking).
I reckon you're fine, they aren't as fussy as the esl models. And theres a ton of stuff around here to help with treating the room itself if you have problems. Check the room acoustics section for ideas.
Thanks for the response. From what I have read, the Mosaic needs a lot of space around them for them to work well. I am not sure I have the "right" room for them and hence the question. Do you guys think it will work in my room? How would you place them? They will either have to be placed against the railing or against the wall opposite the railing. Which is better?

Not necssarily so... I owned a pair of mosaics and found that they are far more forgiving that dipole ESLs since...well...... they are not dipoles! They do very nicely in about any location, although I found that corner placement helped rienforce the bass.
Quick stupid clarification question, when we talk about the distance from the back wall, do we measure from the grill or do we measure from the back of the speaker? I have been maeasuring from the back of the speaker to the wall and not from the driver/grill to the back wall. Likewise when I measure the distance to the sidewall, I mesaure from the side of the speaker to the sidewall and not from the centre of the speaker. I hope I have been doing this right.
In almost all instances, you measure from the wall to the cone/diaphragm - the source of the audio. The forward surface of the grill/stator is a good-enough approximation.