Well-known member
HI All,
It's a nice Sunday morning here in Northern New Mexico. So nice that I thought I would pose a question that has nothing to do with Martin Logan.
How do you listen to your system? With your eyes open or closed?
I have found many years ago that I do my best listening with my eyes closed. This applies whether I am critically listening to the technical aspects of my system or simply enjoying music.
This has become such an ingrained habit that even at live venues I close my eyes - always. Musicians who put on a visual show are wasting their time with me.
My brain does not want to multitask when music is on. I attempt to shut down all my senses except hearing. It's very similar to meditation where the mind simply follows it's inclinations dictated in this case by the music.
Varies, even during one listening session. Go from just sittting there totally immersed in the music with eye's closed, to reading a book or magazine, to doing art work, programming (have a desk behind the couch in the listening room), planning the next project around the, rockin' out, folding laundry, etc.
I'm more of a music lover than audiophile. Though I can really appreciate when the music sounds more musical.