Senior Member
Before you buy a PH7, I'd look for a nice clean REF (the old one) phono. It's an amazing preamp and much bigger sound than the PH7.....
Now the new REF is another story!
Now the new REF is another story!
Jeff, I value your presence here for comments just like that one.Before you buy a PH7, I'd look for a nice clean REF (the old one) phono. It's an amazing preamp and much bigger sound than the PH7.....
Now the new REF is another story!
1. What phono stage (or stages) are you currently using?
Audio Research PH3
2. What made you pick that one (those ones)?
Company reputation for tube units. Never really auditioned it but purchased it on a whim used on the Gon. Price was right and it was light years better than the aged phono section I was using out of the Phase Linear pre-amp (which is long retired and now just a museum piece on the shelf).
3. Are you planning to change phono stages in the near future, and if so, which ones are you considering?
Yes I am considering upgrading, most likely to a ARC PH5 or PH7. This will happen before or after I upgrade the turntable as well. I am looking at a VPI Aries III with the 10.5i tonearm or a VPI SuperScout Master - on the used market.
Jeff, I value your presence here for comments just like that one.
1. What phono stage (or stages) are you currently using?
2. What made you pick that one (those ones)?
3. Are you planning to change phono stages in the near future?
This will happen before or after I upgrade the turntable as well. I am looking at a VPI Aries III with the 10.5i tonearm or a VPI SuperScout Master - on the used market.