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I recall the first time I heard Ronnie Laws, still digging it.


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If your system is imaging well and your bass is up to snuff, this one’s a treat, turn it up!
View attachment 25251

I use this as a regular for checking out pumped up bass that isn't audible on laptop speakers. The lowest bass note is 25Hz. Pete Belasco: Deeper

This is an RTA of both songs at the same system volume level. Queen Mary has the bass over +5dB hotter!

I use this as a regular for checking out pumped up bass that isn't audible on laptop speakers. The lowest bass note is 25Hz. Pete Belasco: Deeper

This is an RTA of both songs at the same system volume level. Queen Mary has the bass over +5dB hotter!

For bass, there is nothing superior to pipe organ.

Anna Lapwood - Luna has some extraordinary bass - the 32' stop (16Hz) can't be heard, but you can certainly sense it. Quite a few times I've mistaken a car door slamming in the garage or helicopter hovering over the house when I've been home alone.


And another favourite is Tyberg Masses


Both are available in high-res.