Weirdest Places You've Found High-End Audio Equipment

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Well-known member
May 23, 2005
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Queensland, Australia
We just booked a holiday to Bali, and it got me thinking about what I saw on another holiday there about 15 years ago.

A guy was hawking leather jackets in one of the main streets of Kuta, and invited us up to his house to have a look.

Upstairs in his little flat was a pair of Dynaudio Consequence!

I wish I took a photo. To this day I'm not sure if they were counterfeit or not, but they were being driven by a Choongywhanghong (I made that up - read: Cheap Chinese) receiver and a Choongywhanghong DVD player.

So bizzare.

So, where are the weirdest places you've found high-end audio equipment?
In 1988-9, if I remember right, I was learning and hearing about the new CD technology and was pretty excited to listen to it. I really wanted to learn more but at least in my area there was very little out, nobody knew anything or had anything to see. That year I went to Ireland with my Grandfather for a 10 day group bus tour. Anyway I had heard that Europe was ahead of the US so I thought that maybe I could hear and see a CD player in Ireland. I don't remember how I found this place but somewhere in Dublin in a upstairs room I found what I was looking for in a store. I don't remember what all the equipment was but I was well aware of at the time at least mid range audio equipment and this was at least that or better. I don't remember the name of the CD player possibly Philips.
In 1980 ish, if I remember right, I was learning and hearing about the new CD technology and was pretty excited to listen to it. I really wanted to learn more but at least in my area there was very little out, nobody knew anything or had anything to see. That year I went to Ireland with my Grandfather for a 10 day group bus tour. Anyway I had heard that Europe was ahead of the US so I thought that maybe I could hear and see a CD player in Ireland. I don't remember how I found this place but somewhere in Dublin in a upstairs room I found what I was looking for in a store. I don't remember what all the equipment was but I was well aware of at the time at least mid range audio equipment and this was at least that or better. I don't remember the name of the CD player possibly Philips.

I see my date was wrong it was 1980ish my memory is not as good as it was.