Well, after reading much about ML'S in the past week or so, while waiting as patiently as I could for the Vista's to show up, they finally arrived. And wow, they sound awesome. I'm only about 4 hours into the break in period, and will say that the bass is a bit shy but to be expected. The top and mid's are dreamy, couldn't be happier. These are very different from the Totem hawks which they replaced. Having some hum from my amp, which was not audible when using the Hawks. Just wondering about the 4 ohm load to the amp, which converts the A-5 to 400 watts per side. I sit about 9 ft. from the system, and in the quiet the hum can be heard. Bob1957, have you heard this with your amp? Working out this issue with my dealer, but any help would be nice. When the music is on, it is sonic bliss. The hum fades away , and I'm left with peace and joy. Talk to you all soon, as the break in period passes.