Hi Rich,
Thanks for the heads-up and another fine issue of vinylphilemag.
I like the turntable that Michel from Montreal is using.

I'd really like to try out a SME 5 arm on my model 10. Although, the model 10 arm has a detachable headshell and I'm getting an extra headshell to mount a mono cartridge. After proper set up, I'll be able to switch from mono to stereo cartridges real quick.
Just a quick note on mono/stereo. I was comparing Martin Denny's original 1956 "Exotica" with Arthur Lyman on vibraphone to the re-recorded "Stereo" version. The stereo version was recorded in 1959 (I think) with a different vibraphone player as Arthur Lyman went on his own.
Anyway, I'm using a Shelter 501 mk II stereo cartridge. The Manley Steelhead phono preamp has a button labeled "Sum" which is basically a "Mono" switch.
After listening to the difference of those two albums, I played some other mono recordings with the "Sum" or mono switched on. Albums that I thought were poor recordings, came to life in a dramatic fashion.
Before that little epiphany, I thought you had to have a mono cartridge to make a difference.
I even noticed a difference in my vintage rig using the mono switch on my Marantz 2325.
Does this sound right to you? Or am I trippin'?
You better stay away from vinyl. If you had a good SME turntable set up right and a collection of audiophile records, you might not come back from Audionirvanaland... ha, ha...