Rich, you are quite right. I realize the shortcomings of the budget table and I'm not certain IF I want to make this leap. It is so glaringly obvious to me that to obtain any quality of playback would require a substantial investment on my part.
At this point, I'm not certain which way I'll go. I honestly believe that in the end the TT will not be a part of my playback based on a record collection of about 25 pieces.
Oh boy...
...I didn't have to read this after spending literally hundreds of hours research what TT system to purchase...and then finally buying it when I only own about 70 LPs :duh:
I already returned by Clearaudio TT aftrer having buyers remorse by having read sudden large number of replies, on various forums, to get the VPI instead...on the day the Clearaudio was shipped. After that buyers remorse I felt like Ihad it again after reading this thread...but only for a few minutes...
Why only a few minutes? Although I only have about 70 LPs, 9 of those were purchased just a few days ago, in VG condition at only $2 a pop! I find it much easier to purchase albums I would never had considered if they cost more (which CDs, even used normally go for more). At this rate, my collection can increase to 300 for only $460.
Another reason is that it could get me into digging types of music I would never have thought of getting - blues, country, punk...
I miss looking at the artwork. Some folks purchase painting for thousands of dollars just to look at! I pay $2.
I don't know, but when I was in my mid teens I saw a movie or tv show or I don't remember what it was I saw, but I saw a guy place a needle down on a record, then some romatic saxophone begins to play, he then dim the lights, walks over to his lady and sits down on the sofa and pour her a glass of red wine - the whole scene looked so sexy to me and then i looked over at my Linear tracking TT (which had the tonearm built into the dustcover so it only played with cover down) and said to myself "boring". There's just something sexy and cool about placing a needle on the record...ok, so maybe i am a bit weird and should have brought up this point?
Hell, anyone who still spends all this money to play vinyl seems weird by those who dont! LOL!! I also think the TT looks like a sexy work of art!
Some folks spend $100K to purchase and old mustang or other muscle car when a new BMW M3 will way out perform it for 10s of thousands less! Maybe even a used car for under $10K? But a classic mustang is cool
I see TTs the same way... classic antique technology that was around for what? over a hundred years?
Some believe TTs sound better than CDs, especially in you $4-5K range. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. But I think we can all agree it does sound different, and for each format I think most can say each has it pros and cons in sound quality. TT systems can give you another way of listening to music, a "different" kind of sound than can be just as pleasing, one more pleasing effect.
I also find great pleasure in "hunting" for LPs - it's a cool little hobbie
And it's exciting seeing old stuff that you hadn't seen in over 20 years! Are any of your LPs only available on vinyl?
I though my boss and my friend were going to say I was crazy for purchasing a new TT. My boss told me she loves the sound of crackling records (now I think she is crazy! LOL!) My friend told me she use to play her dad's old Elvis records late into the night with her ex and they were fun times (I guess not enough to save their marriage! LOL!)
I also like that it forces you to listen to the LP because you spent all that time setting up and cleaning the LP, and making sure your there to pick up the tone arm before the needle rides the label, plus cleaning the needle and records, just to listen to it - you better damn well not be surfing or reading when your playing your record after all that effort! Plus for me it's fun to "tinker".
Now if all you care about is sound quality, you could sell your CD, take the money you get and add it to the TT budget of $5k and get a better CD player that may sound better(?)
Now please, Please, PLEASE!!!...please no replies that will bring me buyers remorse again. jk