Well-known member
I had a Yamaha RSX2600 receiver powering some Pinnacle BD1000's and it just didn't have the power to push them properly. I've also owned the Denon 3805 which seemed slightly better, but once again not with ML's. The old 4802 Denon (140 wpc) DID power my Sequel II's well (better than the B&K AVR307 to be honest). I now own a Krell 400 xi with my Aeon i's (waiting on it's return from Krell due to Fedex dropping the box and possibly causing a loose connection somewhere inside).
Even if the Krell didn't sound any different than the 4802 (although it is light years ahead in clarity and definition), the darn thing is gorgeous..and it is a Krell. (Like I have said before I love the shiny thingies lol).
Even if the Krell didn't sound any different than the 4802 (although it is light years ahead in clarity and definition), the darn thing is gorgeous..and it is a Krell. (Like I have said before I love the shiny thingies lol).