vantage repair

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Aug 4, 2009
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i have a pair of vantages and one speaker plays louder than the other. this was caused by a amplifier change. the amp was turned on when i plugged the rca cables in. i heard a loud pop at the rca connection when plugging in. ever since the one speaker plays ,but the volume is less. i have currently lowered the good speaker level through my processor to try and even out the volume levels .has this happened to anyone else ? would like ideas to fix. Thanks for taking time to read. !!
Hi Mike,

You either caused damage to your amp, speaker(s), or both.

Bummer dude.

Do the usual to isolate the problem.

I agree with what Gordon said. Hopefully, you still have your boxes. On the plus side, your shipping times to and from Kansas should be pretty good if it requires shipping to ML. Are you the original owner? If so, you might be covered under warranty provided you purchased them from an authorized dealer.

At least on my Vantages, there is at least 1-2 db's of variation between the speakers. I switched the speaker locations to verify. Something if you have not done, I would recommend highly. Either way, hate that this happened to you and wish you a speedy resolution.
If anyone ever has this problem the fix is easy and inexpensive. a power supply for the speaker was the problem. martin logan shipped a new one for $95 dollars and sent a email with pictured instructions on how to replace !!!!
To MIke: please contact ML service but it will be shocking to have to pack them up and ship back. We design our products in a reasonably modular way so customers can take care of a reasonable repair. My real reason for answering is to Jungle Jack. if you are having very noticable difference between channels, we have a circuit inside that is designed to limit power at extreme levels (DEQ is what we call it) and it sounds like that might have taken a hit during your time. They certainly wouldn't have left the factory that way as everything is matched at the QC level to a reference and then stored with serial numbers. Most times that people have said there is a difference between channels, it is because something hit that circuit. I am reminded of a Spire review in England where the reviewer loved them, but the mag measured them as being 6 db off between channels, and then printed the review before we could respond. Dont' you think the reviewer would have heard that much difference? Do you think we would have let such an extemely mismatched product leave?
... if you are having very noticable difference between channels, we have a circuit inside that is designed to limit power at extreme levels (DEQ is what we call it) and it sounds like that might have taken a hit during your time. They certainly wouldn't have left the factory that way as everything is matched at the QC level to a reference and then stored with serial numbers. Most times that people have said there is a difference between channels, it is because something hit that circuit...

How would an issue like that be rectified? Is it possible to locally "reset" the custom DEQ setting for a specific serial number without shipping them back for repair?
it requires a new board to install, not hard and comes with instructions. Understand, it is a guess as to what is wrong, but in all cases, it will be strange to have to ship the entire speaker back. Please conact ML service for best advice.
it requires a new board to install, not hard and comes with instructions. Understand, it is a guess as to what is wrong, but in all cases, it will be strange to have to ship the entire speaker back. Please conact ML service for best advice.

My Vantages are currently about 3 db off and have always been this way. About 18 months ago the "weak" one developed a fault in which the symptom was delayed charging of the panel i.e. took about 1 minute to catch up with the other speaker. To solve this, the Sensor PCB was replaced (i.e. responds to input signal level and initiates charging of stators).
Subsequently, the speaker is still 3db off but I use the main amp balance control to compensate.
Sounds fine but always leaves me wondering if relative/combined performance is affected.
Just thought I'd check that the sensor PCB does not encapsulate the DEQ circuit you mention?

Kind regards.........................Victor.