Vantage and Stage values? please help!

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New member
Feb 8, 2016
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USA Minneapolis MN
Hello everyone! unfortunately due to needing to move to a different home i have downsized and purchased some Martin Logan Motion 4's and a small 500 watt ML sub. i was wondering if anyone here can help me out with getting some values for my old stuff i will need to sell soon ( i hope this is ok since i am not technically selling them just asking for advice )

I have a set of Vantage's in excellent condition would say 9/10 with no box
a Stage Center Channel also in excellent condition 9/10 with a box
and a set of ML FX2's as rear surround which are perfect condition. hung on wall and never moved. dont think i have the box for these but i have the bags they came in.

if anyone could guide me to what they might be worth i would appreciate it. will most likely in near future be planning to sell once i confirm new living situation.

Thank you everyone! first post here btw.
The no box for the Vantage makes it near I possible to sell online. I would ask for $2400 for a local sale if you want them moved fast and $2800 if you want to take your time and any offer in the middle. For the fx2 I would ask for $825 and the ML stage you should ask for $1150 quick sale or $1450 for a kinda fast sale and $1600 if you love it so much that you dont mind waiting.