Tubes Are Better Because...

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Er, um .... ("wood" here means a boner, you know, an erection; i.e. I saw Megan Fox on SNL last night and she gave me wood).

That's filthy! Not what I intended at all..........

Definition: Touch Wood - To touch wood is a superstition action to ward off any evil consequences or bad luck, perhaps because of untimely boasting about your good fortune (“I’ve never been in danger of drowning, touch wood”);

ie: "I've never blown a transistor, TOUCH WOOD"!
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When I read "Touch Wood" (which really is Knock on Wood here in this part of the world) the first thing that comes to the sophomoric, adolescent maybe immature minds that get to laugh at many things that could be deemed inappropriate but are still quite funny is just what Mitt said.

Variations of that term are very common in a whole current generation of movies and TV and it most always get smile or smirk from most people here.

Generally, I would say it's not considered filthy by most but maybe it's just the people I associate with. Though its not a reference you will probably use at work or with moms, aunts and grandmothers.

Hope you aren't offended by the language difference.
I knew what you meant because I have a few British friends and they use that expression all the time.

One of my favorites is things going "pear shaped" when they've gone somewhat wrong. I said this at dinner the other night with a friends wife who is actually a bit pear shaped and she got very upset....

What can you do?
I've learned to just live with my own social ineptitude. Not that Adam said anything wrong, but I seem to constantly put my foot in my mouth, often because I'm just trying to be funny not necissarily off color. I consider myself an equal opportunity offender.

The "pear shaped" comment is funny. I've got an uncle who once got himself slapped in a British pub because he stopped the waitress to ask if "she had a clean napkin", not knowing that she interpreted it as the sanitary type.
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When I was working on Ascension Island (S.Atlantic) U.S.A.F. base, a good looking girl from the R.A.F. side of the Island, after a few pints, suggested that next time I was over on the R.A.F. side of the Island, that I should "Stop by and knock me (her) up."

I suggested another pint.

:D cheers!
I've got an uncle who once got himself slapped in a British pub because he stopped the waitress to ask if "she had a clean napkin", not knowing that she interpreted it as the sanitary type.

Tim, there is no way on the planet you have this story right. Just discussed it with the wife. She's in full agreement with me.

A napkin will simply never get interpreted as a sanitary towel here. Period:D.
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Language is great, isn't it?

Sorry if I gave anyone the wrong impression!!

....and Tim - I'd know what you meant if you asked for a "clean napkin" (although we might be more likely to use "serviette" - not sure what part of Britain your uncle was in??
Tim, there is no way on the planet you have this story right. Just discussed it with the wife. She's in full agreement with me.

A napkin will simply never get interpreted as a sanitary towel here. Period:D.

Well, he is the "crazy" uncle...
back to the post, I've decided I prefer tubes in winter....

Jeff -- is this a version of audio mid-life crisis? First you like tubes,then you like solid state, now you like tubes again!! :)
Me too, but mostly because of the heat issue in the summer.

I use tube gear in the summer and I live in Florida. Nothing my AC couldn't handle. But not in a small room unless I want it to be a sauna. But then I've had SS gear that could fry eggs. There are hot tube amps and hot SS amps. There are also cool running SS amps but I don't know of any cool running tube amps.

Funny thing is...the cool :cool: running SS amps I've owned were the most tube like! And I mean that in a good way.
Jeff -- is this a version of audio mid-life crisis? First you like tubes,then you like solid state, now you like tubes again!! :)

I was trying to be funny....

To set the record straight, I like my Burmester solid state gear the best, but could happily live with tubes as well.

Because my system is on for 12-16 hours a day, tubes just don't make sense for me. The Burmester gave me a sound that I like as much or more than the finest tube gear I've ever heard without the hassle of tubes.

And I must admit my CJ ACT2/series 2 was very good with tube life as far as tube devices go...

So, no I haven't changed my position at all.