I was able to try the Lex MC12B, the Theta CBIII with the six-shooters (I'm a reviewer), and if you think that the CBIII is "alot better", then you are plainly wrong... A non-treated room maybe? Was it a true double-blind test? Was it even in the same room? In a dealer's showroom?
Did you ever made a true in-house comparison of those 3? I did...
That's why I have the D2 in my room and not the 2 others.
But it's only opinions about sound quality... it's really subjective. Nothing more. Your opinion is not more valid then mine. We are talking about sound quality here... not test patterns.
But one thing is sure, and it is a FACT. The Arcam AV9, nor the Lex nor the Theta have a Gennum or Realta chip inside. So they are INFERIOR to the D2, if we talk about picture quality. Just like the DVDO VP30, and almost ALL the other external scalers out there on the market right now. It's not subjective. It's a fact. If you use both side-by-side (D2 and VP30) like I did, you would understand. The Gennum chip is way ahead if talking about picture quality. With a 1080p projector, the Gennum is alot better. And you can CLEARLY see it on the screen. Not an opinion... a fact. The VP30 is doing "bob" and losing resolution with a 1080i signal. The D2 is not. It's true inverse telecine AND per-pixel motion adaptive de-interlacing.
BTW, I also compared the D2 to the CBIII side-by-side with DD+ tracks and the Toshiba HD-A1 (D2 with HDMI and CBIII with multi-ch analog). And the difference was really small... But the D2 was giving us a BETTER picture also with the HD-DVD player. The CBIII was not.
And if the room is not fully treated and measured like mine, then we are talking for nothing, because the room as 10X more impact on the sound then the infinitesimal differences between those 2 pre/pros...
Treat your room fist. Then spend 5-10 grand on a pre/pro. Or else, you hear your room, and nothing else.
BTW, Anthem are already working on the HDMI 1.3 board and room-eq. They will update the D2 to the D3 when we will need it. They did it FASTER then all the other manufacturers with the D1 to D2 (less then 2 years). They are ALONE with a Gennum scaler in a pre/pro. They will do it again. Particularly with the money and man-power of the paradigm group to back them up... They will never be obsolete also.
Why would the CBIII be "never obselete" and not the Anthem? Why? It's still lagging behind the D2 for HDMI siwtching and TRUE 1080i video processing today! It is obsolete right now compared to the D2. The D1 was never obselete also. The D1 is a D2 with a new board! And Anthem are already hard at work for the next hardware upgrade for the D3... And the D1 and D2 will both be fully upgradeable to the D3... Obsolete? That's FUD.
And also. People that are saying that one high-end pre/pro is "night and day" compared to another one, or "way better", are totally loosing any credibility they had IMHO. It's not serious. 2 Anthem D1 owners on AVS made the switch from the Arcam AV8, because they taught it was better... And someone here is saying that the Arcam are "way better" then the D1/D2. Opinions only... For them the D1 was better! For another one, the AV8/9 would be better... Subjective.
All those high-end pre/pros are good. No "night and day" differences here. But the Anthem D2 is ahead of the game right now, and everyone else is playing catch-up. The Arcam AV9 is just a pre/pro with a glorified 150$ Monoprice HDMI switcher... It's not a full-fledge scaler, and far form it. They were caught with their pants off, just like Theta and Lex.