The Secret saved my Life

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I'm not sure what's funnier - The review or the comments by other readers.
My copy did not include a shiv...
Now that is hilarious! Ordered a copy for my next incarceration.:p
have you ever seen the Shawshank Redemption? if not I highly recommend it.
this story reminds me of when the warden hands the bible to Andy Dufresne played by Tim robbins and tell him "salvation lies within" little does he know it contains a rock hammer that Andy has been using to tunnel out of the prison with for like 17years.

OH my!!!!!! LMFAOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THis is absolutely HILLARIOUS!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully all of the members here, and most people in general will stay away from prison unless they are watching it on tv and hearing about it through ML's!!!!!!!!!!!! "The Secret" is the best, if I can just "attract" some KRELL FPB-600's and some Statements......................................