The Oceans are dying - take a deep breath

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"In quantum field theory, a false vacuum is a metastable sector of space which appears to be a perturbative vacuum but is unstable to instanton effects which may tunnel to a lower energy state. This tunneling can be caused by quantum fluctuations or the creation of high energy particles. Simply put, the false vacuum is a local minimum, but not the lowest energy state, even though it may remain stable for some time. This is analogous to metastability for first order phase transitions."...

Apparently, Doctor Spock has been posting on Wikipedia!
There are thousands of doomsday scenarios out there
I know people who are worrying all the time about this or that tragic end.
I say we should be good stewards of the earth and its resources to the best of our abilities.
But if something cataclysmic is gonna happen whatta ya gonna do!!!!

Have fun enjoy life and take it as it comes
Same message new generation

Those of you old enough to remember that when we were kids we were going to be wiped out by Nuclear weapons from the Soviet Union! Humans as a whole especially in America right now have to have a doomsday scenario. I do agree on alternative energy sources. If we'd built the Nuclear plants when we needed to in the 70's we would have at least had an alternative. Now what and how much more will it cost now with the economy as ****** as it is and not getting better.:rolleyes:
I totally agree. Nuclear power is very environmentally friendly, green and can be accomplished safely. Mining coal hasn't exactly been so safe. My stereo runs off nuclear power and it sounds clean. Maybe nuclear power has a cleaner and more dynamic sound and we can do away with power conditioners:music: :D:D:D Yeah, right!

Speaking of alternative energy sources. Jack Johnson's latest CD album was recorded in a Hawaiian recording studio that operates totally on solar power.

As are most of us...I'm old enough to have lived some cold war impacts first hand. When I was in grade school we actually did those safety drills to prepare us for the possible threat of a nuclear attack. The teacher would have us "duck and cover" as we practiced crawling under our school desks. As if that was really going to save us from a nuclear blast or fallout.:confused: I lived in Tampa and the Cuban Missile Crisis was only about 300 miles away. At least we felt like we were doing something, and today, we throw an aluminum can into a recycling bin. That's not going to save the planet but at least it makes us feel like we're doing something.
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I totally agree. Nuclear power is very environmentally friendly, green and can be accomplished safely.
The same argument against hybrid cars and solar panels is used on nuke plants. Looking at the total energy used to build and then scrap at the end of it's service life, they all use more energy than they will ever save or make.

I think there is a lot of funny math being used, but it's the standing argument being used.

RE: Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant melt down
I heard on NPR a few years ago that a experimental breeder reactor used in nuclear fusion (not fission) research on the west coast had found a way to pull the controlling rods. This was the first step required in developing clean no waste fission (like the sun).

They were a success, but did not get the needed government funding to continue their research because of the fear Chernobyl generated.

What happened is the Russian's caught wind of what we were planning to do (spys) and figured if we could do it, they could do it. They caused the Chernobyl incident in their rush to beat us by pulling their control rods 24 hours before us.