The love that dare not speak it's name ....Magnepan 3.7 ?
Any of you heard the 3.7, how do you rate them versus ML?
Any of you heard the 3.7, how do you rate them versus ML?
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Any of you heard the 3.7, how do you rate them versus ML?
I heard these speakers at length in T.H.E. Show in Las Vegas at this year's CES. I thought they were substantially better than their predecessors across the bandwidth. The bass would be helped by the addition of an appropriately matched sub. Imaging was excellent and they seemed a good match for the Bryston electronics.
As an update, yesterday I bought a pair of 3.7s in black sock/black oak. Should have them within 8 weeks. I will post my views (compared to ML Quests which I have) after some listening with Bryston 28's (having traded in my Ayre MXR's for Bryston) also due in, will need to let both run-in of course. Anyhow, thanks for input as always.
As an update, yesterday I bought a pair of 3.7s in black sock/black oak. Should have them within 8 weeks. I will post my views (compared to ML Quests which I have) after some listening with Bryston 28's (having traded in my Ayre MXR's for Bryston) also due in, will need to let both run-in of course. Anyhow, thanks for input as always.
If you are ever around Bristol way, then pop round for a listen to my recently restored Apogee Duetta Signatures. They kick butt in a manner a full range ESL can't.
I always feel I hear alot more detail with constant charge over complete area than magnets & mylar and wire/tinsel/ribbon
I have never heard any massless drivers or signal to air/gas drivers.
But I am sure they would excel except at lower freqs.
Hope your maggies come faster & keep us posted.
beek, your right on all fronts re the descriptions, I spent 6 years with Analysis Omega panels, my perception (but not reality) as I have never heard Maggies is that the Maggie maybe inbetween the Omegas and ML presentation. I know I could live with old style MLs for a long time to come so buying the Maggies is more an exercise in knowledge for myself really as what a panel-sound does for me is give me that tall wide wall of sound that gets my heart up there (Maggies may or may not do that), it's one of the reasons I moved from SL3s to Quests (taller and wider sound field). The Analysis Omega's fell down on the bass side in a major way so I definitely know the same risk is there with the Maggies. I suppose what I want to know for myself is, is there enough of everything else there that would make me look at some subs (maybe REL B2's as have bal inputs) etc for them so I could live with the package. I shall see and share thoughts.
Sometimes I think we all should never get rid of great drivers like in this discussion & just keep them All.
I spent time with the biggest Apogees (studio grand? &. Subs) quad amped with mono Krells, it was very impressive.