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Haha! Just wait till you see what's in store for you in New Mexico buddy, you will be shocked..peace and love bro, get a weapon and learn how to use it!!

I'm of this site again for a long time, I've never felt so unwelcomed by a bunch of elitest's on forum except for Audio Karma, Bye Bye!!

Hi Stuwee,

Have no idea what you are talking about. For the record, I detest guns. Never owned one and never will. I do keep a can of bear spray in my house just in case. Never used it to date.

Also, I'm moving to Alto, NM. It's a very safe, literally crime free community.

With all due respect, please shed the anger. It's a very healthy emotion.


Great, veiled hints of violence, that's all we need on this forum.

Does anyone else find that comment a bit creepy?

Not really???? He was basically saying there are places in NM that might not be the best or safest. You have plenty of things to disagree with him on. Let's not pretend he is threatening people on the forum. Haha.
Not really???? He was basically saying there are places in NM that might not be the best or safest. You have plenty of things to disagree with him on. Let's not pretend he is threatening people on the forum. Haha.

I didn't say he was threatening people on the forum. I said hints of violence not threats.

But, in retrospect, I guess the statement could possibly have been interpreted that way.

But the whole grab the gun/weapon statement is a bit creepy and not appropriate in my opinion . But hey I'm a snowflake foreigner in a relatively safe country (despite massive immigration) with few guns, so what do i know.

Still it is odd how he repeatedly says he is leaving the forum, then he comes back again and again carrying on like he is being victimised.

Tiresome attention seeking behavior.
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I like watching the "throw them under the bus show" by 45 and his various minions.

Looks like Sessions is the latest victim.

I'm confident that there will be more to follow.
I like watching the "throw them under the bus show" by 45 and his various minions.

Looks like Sessions is the latest victim.

I'm confident that there will be more to follow.

again, while true ........ the country continues to suffer.

I see Ruger Arms has introduced a new pistol, called 'The Congressman' doesn't work and you can't fire it !
Agreed my friend.

However, given Republican control of the House, Senate, and Presidency, in addition to all the past promises by those previously mentioned and all the disparaging remarks and insults by 45 and his minions, not much doubt in my mind where the ultimate blame lies.
Agreed my friend.

However, given Republican control of the House, Senate, and Presidency, in addition to all the past promises by those previously mentioned and all the disparaging remarks and insults by 45 and his minions, not much doubt in my mind where the ultimate blame lies.

oh I know .........the Dems are such angles ........BS !

Drain the swamp for crying out load !!
oh I know .........the Dems are such angles ........BS !

Drain the swamp for crying out load !!

Whatever Dave. Your answer avoids the current reality regarding who's in power and deflects the "power / who's in control" issue. Another problem is 45 keeps adding personnel to his swamp.

No swamp will be drained until a Constitution amendment is passed regarding term limits for the House and the Senate. And that will never happen. And that's also reality.

Drain the swamp? Dream on my friend. :cool:


Since Trump hasn't been able to accomplish anything he's decided to pander to his base. No more transgender soldiers! he says...

I'm glad he's tackling these incredibly important problems that have been plaguing our military! I feel so much better now. LOL!
Gordon, Your second sentence says it all 'power' ....... they all (Dems and Repubs) all are to be held accountable. Listen , I'm an equal opportunity kinda guy .......left or right , you're all a bunch of losers !
FWIW I agree about both parties causing what we are seeing.

However it has also been because of a deep rooted change in our society very directly influenced by the fact we no longer all watch the same relatively impartial news held to high standards.

We are so far past the point of just having biased news. Now the biased news isn't biased enough and people are gobbling up crackpot news.

The GOP has been hijacked by the Tea Party and in the primaries the moderate reasonable candidates are weeded out. I also suspect that we haven't seen the last of Bernie Sanders type candidates running on the Democratic ticket and that we will see more people pushing a more socialist agenda. Bernie seemed like the most honest trustworthy candidate in the whole field whether you liked what he stood for or not.

So we will see people who want to clean out DC, but it will have to start at the grass roots and we will need clean state legislatures followed up by a clean Congress and clean Senate. The problem is that I don't see how we as a country can make a rational decision anymore. The manipulation has been highly effective.
Mark, I agree with much of your last message.

The Tea Party was originally a conservative grass root group. If you ask conservatives, we have very little interest in moderates doing our bidding in Washington. We would end up with the same system we have now.

I think it is time to revert back to our founding when senators and representatives spent one term in Washington and went back to their home state and replaced with new blood.

The fact that some of the nesters in Washington have been there for 30+ years is absurd. It is a good ole boys and girls club with very little intention of helping the citizens only protecting themselves.

Just my opinion.
Term limits should definitely happen. More turnover should give corruption less time to seep in and let a little idealism sneak through the cracks ! God forbid someone who wanted to do right by the country had a chance to try before getting hosed down by the old guard and told to toe the line even if it wasn't what was best for the country.

I also think we need to get the huge campaign money out of politics in a big way. We should at a bare minimum limit the amount a single person or corporation can donate so we could reduce the influence of individuals.

Ideally we would have the entire election paid for out of a government fund and distribute it evenly to the candidates so they are evaluated based on their merit and not the wallets of their contributors.

EVEN BETTER YET, we would get rid of parties and candidates would say where THEY stood on issues and you would just compare them as individuals.

I know that is pie in the sky dreaming, but it would be beautiful.
The Tea Party was originally a conservative grass root group. If you ask conservatives, we have very little interest in moderates doing our bidding in Washington.

@Brad, The above link to Amazon is to part of Kimberly Strassel's book "Intimidation Game". If you read chapter 1 and in particular the story of Karen Kenny, you will see the beginning of the TEA party in the San Fernando Valley. I was at the rally described in the chapter. It was fun and had a purpose. No violence. No intimidation. A bunch of people banding together with a political goal of getting like minded politicians elected and for that we have been vilified. Called "racist". Called "violent". All part of the intimidation game. The Tea Party story begins in the middle of page 2.

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BOOM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now we have Scaramouchi throwing 45's staff (Rance, etc.) under the bus.

And the Republican Senators telling 45 to not fire Sessions because they will not hold a hearing on an AG replacement.

Oh my. I knew it was going to be bad. I never thought it would be this bad.

An absolute total meltdown.
I think it will be even more entertaining before its all over. Relating to the Trump administration that is.

And on another entertaining note. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte and the Republican Judiciary Committee sent a letter today to the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General calling for the appointment of a second special counsel to look into all matters related to the 2016 election. Focusing on actions taken by the Obama Administration, aka Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton and James Comey.

Another concern is that Robert Muller was given to narrow in scope relating to the elections.

It is going to get uglier in DC, if that is possible, before things improve.
Pretty scary!

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