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Quick answer: yes. He has served under both republican and democratic presidencies and is well-regarded on both sides of the aisle. He is also extremely competent and objective.

If Mueller comes back finding Trump was involved I certainly accept that. If he determins he was not will you accept that.

Typically the Democrats believe in someone until they don't give them the answer they want. Then they are lying or not creditable.
If Mueller comes back finding Trump was involved I certainly accept that. If he determins he was not will you accept that.

Typically the Democrats believe in someone until they don't give them the answer they want. Then they are lying or not creditable.

Absolutely I would accept that. I'm not 100% convinced Trump was directly involved with the Russian collusion. It could have been all Flynn, Manafort, and/or Stone, and maybe the Don was kept in the dark. I would find this surprising, but it's not totally out of the question. Given Trump's attempts to minimize/downplay Russian involvement, combined with his insistence he has no Russian financial connections while refusing to release his tax returns, and his attempts to get Comey to drop the investigation, I will be surprised if he wasn't involved. I also accept the possibility that Trump may have been involved, but Mueller won't be able to obtain sufficient evidence to prove it. Although I expect an obstruction charge will be pretty easy to prove, given what we already know.

Your second paragraph applies equally well to republicans as it does to democrats. Republicans have changed their mind on Comey multiple times during the last year. Hypocrisy doesn't follow along party lines.
On a mostly unrelated note. I heard someone being interviewed about everything going on in Washington and their comment was.

"If hypocrisy was helium the majority of people in D.C. would float away".

A politician oversells or exaggerates a policy platform. wow gee that has never happened before

Hmmm lets see.... There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. remember that one?

But at least most other politicians (including Bush) do/did not carry on like a spoilt child having a tantrum.
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I never said he was a rational, adult. Clearly not my choice for the Republican candidate. I won't defend his approach, just to not be convicted before there is proof.
"If you like your Doctor you can keep them"

"Your out of pocket and premiums for health care will go down"

What a pathetic bold faced liar.

Were you not able to keep your doctor? I've had the same doctor for 15 years. Obamacare didn't change that. And my premiums have continued to rise, as any reasonable person would expect, but they have risen at a much slower rate than they did during the Bush years. This article is instructive:
Or this graphic:

Given that data, my premium is much lower than it would have been had Obamacare never passed.

Oh, and we have 20,000,000 more people enjoying the security of health insurance now than before. Yay!

False equivalence, indeed.

I never said he was a rational, adult. Clearly not my choice for the Republican candidate. I won't defend his approach, just to not be convicted before there is proof.

Absolutely agree, innocent until proven guilty.

Still it would be great if the guy just stops acting like a dangerous narcissistic idiot and governs with a bit of stability and dignity.
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I never said he was a rational, adult. Clearly not my choice for the Republican candidate. I won't defend his approach, just to not be convicted before there is proof.

Honestly, this is not a criminal court and we aren't judges and juries. This is the court of public opinion, and everyone has one. Some will convict him with no evidence and for others no amount of evidence will be sufficient. That's just the way it is.

But in my personal opinion, there is overwhelmingly sufficient evidence to support scumurculum's conclusion that Trump is a pathetic, narcissistic crybaby. Of course, that's not an impeachable offense.

We are going to need a lot of patience, as it is going to take awhile for these investigations to bear fruit, one way or the other. That's just the nature of it. And in the meantime, the war-of-words, the off-the-wall tweets, the leaks from anonymous sources, and the blathering of talking heads will continue and even ratchet up. Political theater at it's finest.
Were you not able to keep your doctor? I've had the same doctor for 15 years. Obamacare didn't change that. And my premiums have continued to rise, as any reasonable person would expect, but they have risen at a much slower rate than they did during the Bush years. This article is instructive:
Or this graphic:

Given that data, my premium is much lower than it would have been had Obamacare never passed.

Oh, and we have 20,000,000 more people enjoying the security of health insurance now than before. Yay!

False equivalence, indeed.

At the time Obama care came on board my wife and I had 700 employees. The numbers we received for mandatory insurance for full time employees was going to be $150,000 per month. Do you have an extra $1,800,000 per year as just sitting doing nothing.

So as most other companies that had a large number of employees did most, other than managers, they became part time labor and we had to hire even more people. So now you have people that have to go out and find a second job that provides much less flexibility for work hours and we and others end up with stressed workers.

Keeping the management staff for 30 restaurants with insurance options comparable to what the owners have was the next challenge. Even though you own the company you cannot have a policy that the qualifying employees don't have access to. Our insurance cost increased about 30% per employe not including their part of the coverage.

Between Obama Care and the economy taking a hit we chose to close half of our stores. Nation wide that was a very common situation for business owners. That in tern left many people out of a job and not many prospects. Would the downturn in the economy have caused some of that, yes. Did mandatory employer insurance with the Affordable Care Act have a major effect, more than most people have any idea.

I still have the same doctor because we chose to provide the care to 100+ employees. We had no choice to take money out of our pocket, that was wearing thin to pay for insurance by demand of the government.

As an Attorney, you could afford to keep your same network and physicians. The average person doesn't have that option.

The stories you hear about of people that benefited from the Affordable Care Act are few compared to the horror stories.

My brother's wife has had cancer 3 times and is effectively uninsurable. They were ecstatic that they would finally be able to have insurance again. The end of the second year they found out they make $1,200 to much for the year and the insurance they were paying $500 a month for was gone.

Don't through numbers out of all the happy people that now have insurance magically. It hasn't work that way
Oh, I agree with you Brad. A single-payer universal health care plan would have been much preferable to this *******ized republican plan that we got. Hillary tried to make that happen years ago (and Nixon before her) but the republicans would have none of it. By the way, I am an attorney but I retired 17 years ago. I pay for my family's health insurance plan out of pocket, and without the benefit of any group plan or employee-sponsored plan. Your brother's wife can at least get insurance with Obamacare in place, even if it costs more than $500 a month. Under the prior laws, she was, as you said, uninsurable. She could have been dropped at any time, as lots of people have been. And your conclusion isn't backed up by the data. The data from the CDC says that the number of uninsured has dropped by 22 million people since 2013. Sure, not every story is a happy ending, but by and large there are a lot more people enjoying the security of health insurance now than before the ACA.

My point was that Obama's "lies" are greatly exaggerated. For instance, Obama said that nothing in the law requires you to change plans or doctors. You saying some people couldn't afford to keep the same plan or doctor does not make that statement false. The plan didn't require it. Those people chose, based on their own financial situation, to change plans or doctors. He may have been unaware or even intentionally misleading as to the actual practical consequences of the law for some people, but the statement itself wasn't false, as you imply.

Sure, he was selling a plan and probably exaggerated some things and other things didn't turn out exactly as predicted. But it just doesn't compare to Trump, who will say something emphatically on the record, or in a tweet, and then days, weeks, or months later deny outright that he ever said such a thing. Despite proof on the record. And he has done it over and over again.
Honestly, the more I read about the Trump/Russia thing, the more I suspect Trump may not have been directly involved in any collusion. It just may be that Putin was playing Trump to get better relations with the U.S. and helped sway the election toward him because he thought Trump could be manipulated and Hillary couldn't. And Flynn and possibly others were greasing the wheels while lining their own pockets. It could very well end up with Flynn seeing criminal charges for his actions, and Trump getting taken down on nothing but an obstruction charge due to his ham-handed handling of Comey's firing. I really don't know. I'm just wildly speculating again. But the suspense is killing me. I'm really curious to see how all this plays out.
Honestly, the more I read about the Trump/Russia thing, the more I suspect Trump may not have been directly involved in any collusion. It just may be that Putin was playing Trump to get better relations with the U.S. and helped sway the election toward him because he thought Trump could be manipulated and Hillary couldn't. And Flynn and possibly others were greasing the wheels while lining their own pockets. It could very well end up with Flynn seeing criminal charges for his actions, and Trump getting taken down on nothing but an obstruction charge due to his ham-handed handling of Comey's firing. I really don't know. I'm just wildly speculating again. But the suspense is killing me. I'm really curious to see how all this plays out.

Flynn being willing to testify if made immune to prosecution, is as close to an admission of guilt (to something as yet undefined) as you can get.
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Flynn being willing to testify if made immune to prosecution, is as close to an admission of guilt (to something as yet undefined) as you can get.

Flynn it seems doesn't have much of a defense with what he didn't share before being considered. He signed a contract with the Turkish government in June for $400,000 as an adviser. The contract expired in November. It appears he told no one about this.
Honestly, the more I read about the Trump/Russia thing, the more I suspect Trump may not have been directly involved in any collusion. It just may be that Putin was playing Trump to get better relations with the U.S. and helped sway the election toward him because he thought Trump could be manipulated and Hillary couldn't. And Flynn and possibly others were greasing the wheels while lining their own pockets. It could very well end up with Flynn seeing criminal charges for his actions, and Trump getting taken down on nothing but an obstruction charge due to his ham-handed handling of Comey's firing. I really don't know. I'm just wildly speculating again. But the suspense is killing me. I'm really curious to see how all this plays out.

I am really not sure about who would/will have rolled over for Putin easier.

When Hillary was Sec of State 20% of our enriched uranium/plutonium was turned over to the Russians. At that time Bill had speaking engagements in Moscow at twice his normal fee.

You hear virtually nothing of this. What do you think Russia would do with that much weapons grade material or who has it now.

Curious on your thoughts on the repercussions of Comey's comments last June possibly reopening the investigation on Hillary.

The basis of it was because Anthony Weiner's laptop was found to have Hillary's missing email including some classified on it. I would think they could only get there via Huma Abedin.

The Hillary camp and media went after Comey and there was virtually no mention of Anthony and Huma. Shoot the messenger.

On a related note. Apparently, Anthony turned him self in to the FBI last night after taking a plea deal to confess to have inappropriate contact with a 15 year old girl. Having sent her explicit verbiage and pictures of his, I'd like to say man hood but a real man would never do that. You unfortunately get the image.

The Computer was confiscated in the investigation. Why does no one blame Anthony or Huma for Hillary's loss?
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