The Beatles ~ "Love" DVDAudio

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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2006
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Chicago Illinois
The Beatles
Label: Apple

The music on this cd was put together and remixed by famed Beatles producer George Martin for a show that opend in June of 2006 at The Mirage in Las Vegas.There are a total of 26 tracks that blend seamlessly into each other reminescent of Pink Floyd albums. This album just takes me back down memory lane to the days of my youth when on Friday nights my friends and I would gather in the basement and listen to music all night.I've had the CD a couple of weeks and have probably listened to it 20 times.The strings on "Eleanor Rigby" really make the ML's sing. Harrison's tracks, "Something", "While My Guitar Gently Weeps", and "Here Comes The Sun" speak to me like they never have before. "A Day In The Life" in a word OUTSTANDING. Many of the tracks have lead ins,intros and riffs from other Beatles songs for those of us who grew up with the Beatles they will be easily recognizable.This CD was very well done,it is hard to believe some of these songs/recordings are 40 years old.This is a must buy Album for anyone who was or is a Beatles fan. If you can't tell yet I LOVE THIS ALBUM.
ENJOY!:clap: :clap:


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The Beatles Love DVD Audio...


:D Excellent! How did you know - this one is on my Christmas list. Thanks for the recommendation. I hope my son gives it to me for Christmas... ;)
Oh yes! For Beatles fans this is as good as it gets. That it comes off as well as it does is icing on the cake. I am enjoying the 5.1 ch DVDA on my ML surround system. Run to the nearest Best Buy and get this NOW!
The Beatles
"A Day In The Life" in a word OUTSTANDING.
You're not kidding. I can't think of anything I've listened to lately with a wider sondstage. Lenon's voice during the "ahhhhh" is so powerful and wide...really wwwwwiiiiiiiddddeeee. The hair on the back of my neck stood to attention.

This CD was very well done,it is hard to believe some of these songs/recordings are 40 years old.This is a must buy Album for anyone who was or is a Beatles fan. If you can't tell yet I LOVE THIS ALBUM,er cd.
ENJOY!:clap: :clap:
I couldn't agree more. It's amazing how relevant this music is today, and I'm not that old...not that young either. At the end of the day, at their best, these guys wrote great, great songs. In case anyone is reading this and is on the fence, do your self a favor and buy this disc!:band:
good find

Wow! I bought this CD today going on everyone's recommendation and am very happy with it. The detail is quite good and I would agree with the comment on it having the fluidity of a Pink Floyd album.

Out of curiosity, can anyone else hear the fly buzzing around on 'Because' Track 1? He starts flying at, 1:06-09.
Out of curiosity, can anyone else hear the fly buzzing around on 'Because' Track 1? He starts flying at, 1:06-09.

Very cool he starts out in the center channel and moves to the right rear channel.:afro:
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Wow! I bought this CD today going on everyone's recommendation and am very happy with it. The detail is quite good and I would agree with the comment on it having the fluidity of a Pink Floyd album.

Out of curiosity, can anyone else hear the fly buzzing around on 'Because' Track 1? He starts flying at, 1:06-09.

yea, cool. My son got the CD for Christmas and we just listened to it. The birds are very obvious but so is the fly. On my 2 channel system, it starts just right of center and flys into the right speaker. Got to love the resolution!
Oh yes! For Beatles fans this is as good as it gets. That it comes off as well as it does is icing on the cake. I am enjoying the 5.1 ch DVDA on my ML surround system. Run to the nearest Best Buy and get this NOW!

Absolutely, the DVD Audio version is simply fantastic!... :rocker:

Compared to the traditional blue and red albums (I did own them in LPs, tapes, CDs...), the songs sound much more natural...
Just received the DVD-A version....

I'm not ashamed to say it brought tears to my eyes, what a fabulous recording !!!

This is how this music was supposed to sound all along. In my top-notch theater, it just blows my mind.

Excellent mixing and amazing quality considering this is from the original tapes back in the sixties.

If you grew up on this music, you *must* hear this DVD-A on a good system.
I just got this Disk and what can I say!! This is what MLs are made to play. I am a long time Beatles fan and this Disk moved me like never before. This is a must have. Thanks everyone for this find.
Excellent DVD!! If you have a Mc amp or an amp with meters they'll certainly get their work out. This is now one of my show-off DVDs.:rocker:
Beatles in 7.1 surround sound

If you really want a treat pick up an Oppo Digital 980H Universal :music:DVD player, also plays SACD and costs less than 200 bucks. Then play this DVD-audio album via HDMI to a 7.1 surround sound version of the album that on a 7.1 ML system will leave everyone that hears it speechless.