Neil, For once, in my many viewings of your posts, I am in substantial agreement with your position. I find the current situation unique in that it is so hyped, by the press, and depending on who you are listening to, it is either Armageddon, or the best thing that can happen. GG
GG, unfortunately I can't take credit for that "bright idea." I was just passing it along (not that I disagree with it in spirit ;-) As for my position, well, right now it's horizontal (ask my doctor.) And perhaps, could we meet face to face, we'd find more to agree over
Second, if you were a young person by or before 1960, you would remember that people borrowed money (assumed debt) and they
also had savings accounts. And paid for their consumer purchases with cash or check. So correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you are (rightly) attacking post-60's
consumer credit (cards) which was and is (IMO) the psychological root of this mess. We shouldn't blame materialism as if it were some Satanic personality defect -- rather blame the ad-men, marketers and BANKS, that fostered in us an unconscious desire for things we
really didn't need and an easy way to obtain them (including Digital Disks ?!) OK, ok . . . . . . but anyway, my point is that a person would have to be at least 60 y.o. just to
remember a time before there were credit cards.
know that "MAIN STREET IS HURTING." Washington has been telling us
that, ad nauseum, for over a week now (like we on Main St. wouldn't know it, all by ourselves?) Has anybody out there questioned the motive
behind their mantra?
Yet I
was encouraged today (and my own predictions somewhat vindicated, I must admit) to see the up-tick in the stock market. Why? Well, because it means to me that "main street" (BTW, for those reading this on Mars, that's
all of America ;-) is starting to
trust the market! -- annnd, despite the fact we can't borrow a dime right now, it appears Americans (dumb as we are, right?) are beginning to realize this "financial crises" will correct itself in a month or less, and NOT take us into the next Ice Age as so many in Congress and the White House would scare us into believing. I also found it IMMENSELY amusing that most Congress men and women from both parties, who voted
against the Bill, are up for re-election this November! Meaning
they know what we think here on Main St., and would ignore us at their own peril! (Don't take my word, that's what Google is for!)
I must confess, I'm an evolutionist. After all, didn't God 'intelligently design'
everything, including Darwin's Theory? So I believe that on Main St. and on Wall St., in the financial world as in the natural world, the fittest
will survive!
I urge you to contact your representatives, whether or not they're up for re-election. And I'll close now, with my most humble apologies to Cheech, Chong,
and Gordon, (if I offended him,) by saying,
"We don't need no stinkin' bailouts!"