I wonder how successful they will be. I am not sure about Bolin, but Michelson likes Audio Research, Lamm, Shunyata, Wilson, CJ, and a few others. Even if he doesn't stretch himself beyond these few brands, he will always have fans of the brands above reading his stuff.
But there are limits of the reviews, epecially if they stay with a very narrow sets of brands that only a few have heard. Personally, I like to listen first and read the review later. The reason is that the actual words are almost meaningless unless one has experienced the product. (How does the "better panel/ woofer integration" mentioned in every ML review since the early 80's really sound like? or How is the Arc Ref 5 sound compared Arc Ref 3?) I wonder how many of the people reading the review have actually heard the stuff or whether they are just addicted and bored, and are not even aware they are wasting their time.
I think the site to emulate is avguide.com, where the reviewers are blogging about the stuff as they review it. There people can share experiences and interact with the reviewers. If one does his research, a conversation with an expert is much more valuable than the review when selecting a product. Jeff does the same thing on this site for us ML fans.