Easy on the expresso, we don't want shakey hands trying to set the needle in the groove.
I am excited for you and your TT!!!It's a turntable, JamesAs I said, stay tuned for hi-res pix to come. It's got a good cartridge, a wonderful arm, a nice design and (you may laugh at this) some functionality I'm missing from my fully automatic Denon, which will hit eBay soon.
Looks great lugano. I like the simple lines of the TT, though I always leaned toward clean and simple without bells and whistles.
You may have mentioned but who makes it?
I am excited for you and your TT!!!
I'm next, I'm next on the vinyl line!!
Yes Peter, it's a Ortofon OM 20 Super. Tomorrow morning I'll drive 200 km to pick the babe and the same back to bring it to its new home. Are you happy with your OM30 ?
I have a Rega Planar 3 with a Gardo Sonta cart...I do get a little hum when the LP is almost finished at middle volume. It's the magnet in the spinner motor under the TT that is causing it. What I may need is a diferent cart because a Grado is unprotected. How many LP's do you have and what type? I collect new 180 gram Jazz LP's but get hand-me-down Classical LP's from anyone that no longer uses a TT.
Philox, Gospodi = Lord, Gospodi pomilui = Lord have mercy. I don't speak any language written in cyrillic alphabet but I know the letters and once I can read it, it can happen that I understand the meaning because my native language is a mix af many languages, with terms coming from serb or russian, too.
in my native language, gospodin = landlord, a milui = to have mercy... so it's sometimes possible to extrapolate.
listen to this track:
the entire album is here:
Lugano your gonna love itI just bought an incredible enhancement component for my gear, probably the seller has some more items looking for an owner, you can see what it is here: