Peter Ward
Active member
1. Member Name: Peter Ward
2. Location: near Warwick, UK
3. ML Model(s): Ascent
4. Year Purchased: 2013
5. Mods/Changes: Foam damping on slope behind stator and in front of electronics in the cabinet, Cardas jumper plates, supported on 1 Stillpoint plus 2 Black Ravioli on marble plinth on carpet
6. Associated Electronics:
Modified Nottingham Analog Dais made of Panzerholz on thick slate base and Townsend seismic pods, NA Ace Space 12", Benz Wood SL, on thick slate slab supported on Townsend Seismic Pods
47Lab Shiygaraki phono amp
Lavardin IT
Quadraspire racks
Townsend Isolda speaker cable
Anti-cable interconnects
REL Studio mk1 subwoofer
Oppo 105D
Russ Andrews 8-way Ultrapurifier block
Power Inspired 1500 mains regenerator
7. Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience:
The clarity has always been present from the day I bought these second-hand in 2013. Initially the dynamics were lacking but with a few system changes they've improved. The swap to Isolda from anti-cable helped, as did supporting them on a Stillpoint and having the panels vertical rather than laid back. I still think a more powerful amp would improve things but I don't plan to change at present.
I've heard the latest ML Montis and although they look much more modern and I'm sure they're clearer still, they're not so different to the Ascents that I feel the need to rush out and buy them. I felt the bass was actually worse than the Ascent, woollier and not so deep. In fact the biggest improvement recently was the switch from REL Stadium mk1 to Studio mk1 -- huge, ugly and imposing but it really opened up the sound from bottom to top as the reviews of good subwoofers always say. I think that's enough expense for this year (hoping I don't need to swap my Benz Wood)!

2. Location: near Warwick, UK
3. ML Model(s): Ascent
4. Year Purchased: 2013
5. Mods/Changes: Foam damping on slope behind stator and in front of electronics in the cabinet, Cardas jumper plates, supported on 1 Stillpoint plus 2 Black Ravioli on marble plinth on carpet
6. Associated Electronics:
Modified Nottingham Analog Dais made of Panzerholz on thick slate base and Townsend seismic pods, NA Ace Space 12", Benz Wood SL, on thick slate slab supported on Townsend Seismic Pods
47Lab Shiygaraki phono amp
Lavardin IT
Quadraspire racks
Townsend Isolda speaker cable
Anti-cable interconnects
REL Studio mk1 subwoofer
Oppo 105D
Russ Andrews 8-way Ultrapurifier block
Power Inspired 1500 mains regenerator
7. Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience:
The clarity has always been present from the day I bought these second-hand in 2013. Initially the dynamics were lacking but with a few system changes they've improved. The swap to Isolda from anti-cable helped, as did supporting them on a Stillpoint and having the panels vertical rather than laid back. I still think a more powerful amp would improve things but I don't plan to change at present.
I've heard the latest ML Montis and although they look much more modern and I'm sure they're clearer still, they're not so different to the Ascents that I feel the need to rush out and buy them. I felt the bass was actually worse than the Ascent, woollier and not so deep. In fact the biggest improvement recently was the switch from REL Stadium mk1 to Studio mk1 -- huge, ugly and imposing but it really opened up the sound from bottom to top as the reviews of good subwoofers always say. I think that's enough expense for this year (hoping I don't need to swap my Benz Wood)!