System #410 (SL3)

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Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Stockport UK
Member: Robert Radcliffe
Location: Stockport Cheshire UK
ML Model(s): Martin Logan model SL3 purchased second hand in 2007 with new panels.

Other equipment:
Cambridge Audio Azur 840E pre, 840W power recently replaced Electrocompaniet ECI 4
Garrard 401, Origin Live Silver, AT OC9
Michell Orbe SE, Origin Live Conqueror, VdH Frog, Graham Slee Revelation, Elevator, PS audio GCPH
Shanling CDT 100C/ Rega DAC
Logitech Squeezebox Touch/ Rega DAC
Teac 32-2B
PS Audio Premier Power Plant
Albedo Silver speaker cables various interconnects VdH First, Nordost Red Dawn, various mains cables Russ Andrews classics. 2 Quadraspire tables.

HIFI 002.jpg

Hi again
Almost gave this game up. SL3s developed kazoo effect. Electrocompaniet went pop - flames smoke etc, Frog needs retip. Anyway advice from MLO forum sorted kazoo effect and a trip to local hifi emporium for Cambride gear repalced the Electro. The Frog is in the post to AJ and Michell are posting an armboard to fit the Conqueror arm so should be up again in a few weeks. Hope you like the system. Almost all done on tight budget, second hand etc, (except Frog and Michell - wedding present). Looking forward to your views. Rob.:D
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Welcome Rob - wall mounted table and all :)

I once suspended a table from the ceiling - failing to realize (until after the fact) that second-floor horsing around created less-than-pristine conditions.
Another UK member! Welcome. How do you find the reel tape?
I got into quarter inch tape in a big way a couple of years ago. It's a fantastic source. I've recorded all my 45RPM audiophile discs and it saves all the getting up and down and saves on stylus wear, also some radio. I toyed with the idea of trying the Tape Project tapes from the US but the prices are way up there. The Teac has EQ switchable to NAB needed for the Tape Project tapes. I also have a studio quality (ex BBC) Preco F500 reel to reel which makes even the Garrard look like a toy but it has to be kept some distance from the other electronics especially amps. I would advise anyone to try reel to reel, but beware it can be addictive, maybe worse than vinyl!