System #399 (Vantage, Stage, Depth i)

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May 9, 2010
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Member: Jeff A.
Location: Houston, TX
Models: Vantage, Stage, Depth i
Purchased: 2010

Mods: Since I got a deal on a demo pair of Vantage units, I couldn't complain about the dark cherry finish - which is too red to match the rest of the room. So I had some "speaker koozies" made from leftover velvet/fabric to cover the woofer cabinet. Result kind of looks like the leather-covered versions ML showed at CES years ago (not quite, but no one gets that close to them anyway)

Other Equipment: Definitive BP/ZA and BP/A in-wall dipoles for surround/rear channels. Integra DHC-40.2 preamp, Emotiva UPA-7 amp.

I had always planned on ML speakers for the theater. This was confirmed when I decided to go with a motorized screen masking system, which meant that an acoustically-transparent screen (with speakers behind) wasn't an option, either. I've had my first ML's (Aerius) since 1994 and had planned to use them in the theater. I upgraded the 'listening' system to a pair of Vantages last year, with the Aerius freed up for the theater. But my dealer came up with a great deal on a demo pair of Vantages - couldn't pass them up.


Welcome Jeff... really beautiful HT room there. I have to assume with all this heat that you must have "Happy Feet" playing in a continuous loop with the AC cranked up to 11 :)
Welcome Jeff... really beautiful HT room there. I have to assume with all this heat that you must have "Happy Feet" playing in a continuous loop with the AC cranked up to 11 :)

No kidding!!! Actually, of all things (and I didn't realize the irony until I sent my invites) I'm showing one of my favorite films this weekend: HEAT :D

nice set up Jeff..........let me know when the popcorn is ready !!


Way ahead of ya! :cool:

Welcome Jeff... really beautiful HT room there. I have to assume with all this heat that you must have "Happy Feet" playing in a continuous loop with the AC cranked up to 11 :)

Years ago at CES (when ML announced the Descent or the Depth, can't remember which) in their suite they were showing off the new sub, and I made a joke about supporting "dubbly" for home theater. The guy smiled and told me to take a look at the level knob. I took one look at the "11" on the knob and just said "AWESOME!". I think he was glad he was able to reveal the in-joke "in context"...
WoW!!! It's beautiful. May I ask where did you purchase your curtains?


The drapes were custom made... The fabric is a relatively-cheap chocolate velvet - I can probably find out the manufacturer/style from the decorator if you'd like to have something similar made. The valance is built on a board and hung from the ceiling. The side panels/drapes are hung on fixed rods behind. They don't move. I have enough "drama" with the screen masking motors! :eek:
