1. Member Name: Richard Herrera
2. Location: Lake Elsinore, Ca.
3. ML Model(s): Vantage
4. Year Purchased:2009
5. Mods/Changes: PS Audio power 3 AC cords
6. Associated Electronics: Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP Integrated, Squeeze Box Touch w/ Welbourne PS, Rega Planet 2000, Monster HTS 5000 power center and Zseries Biwire and interconnects
7. -Updated-
6 years later and still happy with Vantage. Power master 1000 had channel go out and
Ended up being able to trade in my prologue 3 towards the new Primaluna HP integrated! WoW what a upgrade!
I have also been streaming to TOUCH since and enjoying HD Tracks.
I have a dedicated room now.. Not totally ideal size, but It works for me.. Added a few GIK 242 panels
And plan on a few tri traps in near future...
Room is 14' wide x14' 7" long and 8' ceilings.

2. Location: Lake Elsinore, Ca.
3. ML Model(s): Vantage
4. Year Purchased:2009
5. Mods/Changes: PS Audio power 3 AC cords
6. Associated Electronics: Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP Integrated, Squeeze Box Touch w/ Welbourne PS, Rega Planet 2000, Monster HTS 5000 power center and Zseries Biwire and interconnects
7. -Updated-
6 years later and still happy with Vantage. Power master 1000 had channel go out and
Ended up being able to trade in my prologue 3 towards the new Primaluna HP integrated! WoW what a upgrade!
I have also been streaming to TOUCH since and enjoying HD Tracks.
I have a dedicated room now.. Not totally ideal size, but It works for me.. Added a few GIK 242 panels
And plan on a few tri traps in near future...
Room is 14' wide x14' 7" long and 8' ceilings.

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