Mini review of Nordost Odin:
After we have listened to the Nordost Odin cables in about a week, we thought it was time to a little mini review.
We'll take it step for step.
Plugging in the Odin power cord from the wall socket to the PS Audio PPP. Wow! A huge soundstage, tons of details and nuances, transparence and openness. The definition is so much better all over frequency range. From top to buttom.
Plugging in the Odin power cord in the Marantz SA-11S2.
Almost the same improvement as before...
Plugging in the Odin power cord in the Pass Labs X1.
Almost the same improvement as before...
Plugging in the Odin power cords in the Martin Logan Summits.
We could imagine that this part of the review, is the most relevant for this forum. First of all the soundstage is the biggest we've ever heard. You can't imagine how many detalis and nuances there is. It's awesome. The transparency of the Summit is already superb, but with the Odin power cord it's amazing.
Plugging in the interconnects between the cd/pre and the pre/power.
Even more details, even more nuances, an even bigger and deeper soundstage etc. But with the interconnects something else happend to. The sound got too pretty. Too "clean" and pretty. Lagging on musical involvement.
Plugging in the speaker cables.
The characteristics is as with the interconnects, just much better. The lag of musical involvement isn't one of the keywords here.
Summing up.
The power cords is fantastic. The interconnects is very good to, but a bit too pretty and lagging a little bit on musical involvement. The most expensive cable of them all; the speaker cable, is also exceptional, but can sometime sound a little bit too pretty to.
Nordost's Supreme Reference Odin is exceptional good cables, but if we should spend that many money on cables, the Odin's wouldn't be our choice. It's simply too "clean" and too pretty. Sometimes lagging a bit too much on musical involvement.
We hope the little review was helpful.