System #266 (Descent i)

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Sep 4, 2008
Reaction score
Name- Mike
Location - Seattle

Assoc Equipment:

Descent i
McIntosh MX130, MAC3 Decoder, and MC205
Pioneer Elite DV05 DVD Player
HD Tivo
Pioneer Elite 42" Plasma
Athena S2/P2 front speakers with center channel and rears

Most of my Stereo/Theater experience has revolved around building a media cabinet and cabling my house. I am an avid woodworker and tig welder so working those interests in with a home theater has been very fun. Here are some pictures of my system. I built the cabinet out of walnut for the Mac components. After installing everything I discovered that the equipment was getting too warm. I found a fan system made by Middle Atlantic to keep the cabinet cool. I used floor registers in the bottom of the cabinet so the fan could draw cool air in from the bottom over the components and blow it out the top of the cabinet.

Future upgrades include replacing all my Athena speakers with Martin Logans. I would like to purchase a higher quality cd player. I'm looking for a quality one that will have Blu Ray, SACD, CD, and DVD capabilities. I also want to look into sound treatments for the room.


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Welcome again Mike, sorry for the confussion in getting your system posted !

Nice woodworking talent on display !!!!
Another pic- Middle Atlantic fan. This is a great product. Flows 100cfm with 4 fans and their speed responds in proportion to how hot the cabinet is and shuts off automatically.


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I'm looking for a quality one that will have Blu Ray, SACD, CD, and DVD capabilities. I also want to look into sound treatments for the room.

If you haven't already heard, it's not available yet, but Oppo just announced the BDP-S83 at CEDIA, which may be the first player that will support all of those formats.

And by the way, that cabinet is awesome.
Beautiful cabinet! Wanna build a bubinga rack for me? Please?! Hey, I'm just down the coast from you.
Thanks for the compliments. I sent you a PM about a rack. It would be a fun project :)

Beautiful cabinet! Wanna build a bubinga rack for me? Please?! Hey, I'm just down the coast from you.
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I finally picked up a set of Spires. They sound great, although I'm now noticing the shortcomings of my room. I know some of you are cringing at the site of them being so close to the wall, but I have no other choice in this house. The walkway is right in front of them so I will have to deal for now. They are an amazing improvement over what I had so I am very happy. Here are some pictures.


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I'd still be putting your amp on TOP, not the bottom!
I always prefer power amplifiers on their own dedicated stands, with nothing on top and not in a cabinet, but do realize that domestic situations may dictate otherwise.

That system looks incredible! Beautiful throughout! However, I would work on moving the amp, with your wood working skills that should be a snap. Put the other components on the bottom and support the amp.............somehow on top.

All that being said the system rocks:rocker:

I love the wood on the Spires.:drool::drool: What is it Bubinga?

Doug - out
Thanks for the compliments. I'm still waiting for other components before I make any permanant stands. I hope to pick up a Stage center channel speaker. I'm not sure it will fit in the cabinet though. It will probably have to go on the wall. The Mac amp stays cool to the touch. My father has a Krell monoblock that gets really hot.

The Spires are the Bubinga. That rotary cut looks great. It is all bookmatched too.

That system looks incredible! Beautiful throughout! However, I would work on moving the amp, with your wood working skills that should be a snap. Put the other components on the bottom and support the amp.............somehow on top.

All that being said the system rocks:rocker:

I love the wood on the Spires.:drool::drool: What is it Bubinga?

Doug - out
AWESOME cabinet!!! Can you build me one? :)

Maybe you can sell him your walnut cabinet, and make a new one out of Bubinga! I LOVE that wood!

If you ever get the chance, pull the Spires out at least 3-4 ft from the wall, just to hear the difference it makes. Once you hear it, you'll figure out some way to keep them there!