VERY nice room! Only problem is I'm not sure where I would spend my time... the theater OR the bar!!!
Robert, in my room I have a
ton of stuff hanging on the walls (mostly signed college football memorabilia) of different sizes and weights. I didn't build our house so we just have normal 2X4 wood studs, and 1/2" drywall. IOW, nothing special.
Whether it is a good 'blow em up' type movie... a great rock concert... or just cranking up my two channel system... it can get crazy loud (and 'bassy') in my room (and likely would be totally out of control with tsmooths bar

), I don't have anything vibrating in my room. Occasionally, my wife will remotely flash the overhead lights which is the 'turn it down' signal, OR... the next day we will notice some wall hangings are no longer level, but we've never had any annoying room vibrations.
I don't know if this will help but everything hanging on our walls just has a couple of the adhesive bumper feet on the bottom two corners. Also, we did have one door that did not close tightly. I took one of the thin adhesive bumpers, and stuck it near the top of the door frame and now the door closes tightly (although, with humidity changing I occasionally have to make some adjustments).