System #186 (Summit)

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Feb 24, 2005
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Waco, TX
Name: Anthony Claxton
Location: Terrell, TX
Martin Logan Model: Summits
Year Purchased: December '06
Mods: ESP Essence powercords, BDR pucks under spikes
Associated electronics: Rowland 8T amp
Audio Research Ref 3 preamp
Audio Research PH5 phono preamp
VPI HW 19 Mk4/SDS/Graham 2.2/Koetsu Rose Sig
Ayre C5xe/Sonic Frontiers SFD 2, Mk3 DAC
Magnum Dynalab FT-101 tuner
Sirius Sportster
Monster HTPS 7000

My first ML purchase was a Logos center channel speaker back in 2000. I bought it to mate with a pair of Apogee Divas when I had an integrated system. I still use it in my other 5.1 system along with Aeons/Scenarios/Descent.


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I combined both posts and added a System Number. Great looking Summit system. Love the Rowland amp. Can you show us the rest of the elctronics? Would sure like to see your Sonic Frontiers DAC. I've always been a fan of their stuff. My first tubed pre-amp was a Sonic Frontiers SFL-1. I still remember it very fondly.
Daaamn, that is one Helluva a CD collection.:eek:
Sweet System.
Maybe someday I can join the exclusive
Summit Club as well.
Impressive !

Hi tonyc,

Thanks for posting your system. I love your choice of equipment and your room, particularly the back wall that doubles as music collection's storage facility and diffusor ! ;)

Happy listening !
TonyC I think you need a bigger amp! LOL! :D That thing is HUGE! What kind of power does it make?
If I have done this correctly you should be seeing the front end of my 2 channel system. That's only part of my CDs WB, and you can't see the 3000 records I own. Thanks for helping me MiTT.


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This is what I normally label "problem solved". WOW. Love the snakes on the parquet.

Is that full Class A or is it A/B. My Rotel 1090 makes more power, but probably not as sweet a sound! Especially if that bad boy is full Class A.
The Rowland amps are super sexy beasts and they sound very nice. And I mean VERY nice. I would like to hear their new class D stuff sometime.
OMG! Wow!


Geeeez! What a glorious Summit system! :D OMG! that Rowland 8T amplifier is a big, huge, muscle bound monster! :D Just a fabulous system and CD/SACD collection as well. Just amazing. May I ask, what up-grades are you considering? :confused: Because your system seems perfect as is... :cheers:
Thanks so much Robin! I am thinking about a better power line conditioner, a better turntable (Maybe a VPI Aries) and a tubed amp. I think I hear a Ref 110 calling faintly in the distance... I am gradually implementing a full ASC room treatment(difficult to sneak past my spouse!). Next up, a set of quarter rounds for the front soffit. Of all the components I have purchased ASC tube traps made the single largest improvement in the sound (yes, even bigger than the Summits!).
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Scratch the PLC. Bought a Hydra 8 and Python Helix powercord today. Wow! What an increase in musicality, soundstaging and quietness. Hopefully this will only improve with breakin. For some reason I'm getting alot more bass-not sure why this should happen, though.