Zach, it's nice to see the progression your systems have been making. Don't forget to check out the "Gon" for used racks as well.
Zach, it's nice to see the progression your systems have been making. Don't forget to check out the "Gon" for used racks as well.
Thanks for the tip, thats were I bought the BAT stuff from. Its really amazing how much the sound changes with each upgrade. I have put a few hours on this preamp so far today and I really think it was the best upgrade I have made so far. Going from Aerius to the Vistas gave a nice return but the sound isnt really night and day. I like the Bat amp better than the Krell KAV-250a I used to own. But without a doubt the sound changed so much more with a better stereo preamp. Everything in the system sounds like its worth the money. It really is a night and day change, completely different.
The Vantages are in and hooked up. Pizza is on the table but I will post some pics as soon as I have a chance (not that they look much different but the room has changed a bit).
Here they are, the new Vantages. The look pretty much the same as the Vistas but there have some other improvements made to the room. Such as the HEMP rug. Thats right, HEMP. My good friend Mike said that if my house ever catches on fire we may have stay in the living room for a couple of minutes. Its really a great room for listening however I think that having the speakers not exactly in the center of the room effects my soundstaging a bit. Sometimes the center seems to be just a tad to the right. Throw in a couple of chairs and we all have plenty of room to sit and crack jokes. So if any of you are ever town feel free to drop by.