System #147 (Vantage, Stage, Descent)

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Boca Raton, FL

Purchased Sept. 2006

Vantage (fronts)
Stage (center)
Descent (sub)
Tickets (surround)

Anthem AVM 50 (pre/pro)
Anthem A-5 (amp)
Control 4 (automation system)
Monster power HTS-5100 (power conditioner)

Video sources
Direct TV HR20 HD DVR
Sony ES DVP-CX77Es (400 disk DVD player)
Blu-Ray (TBD)

Sony KDS-R70XBR2


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More pictures...


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You might want to save the those bmp files to jpeg... and I need them larger.

Joey :)
correct night pict.

correct night pict.


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Whoa.. how'd you get those lights like that? Coooool...

Nice system btw... sweet Vantages and sweet Stage! Those Tickets look mighty sneaky... but I bet they fill the surround duties pretty well.

Welcome to our little corner of the internet! :)

Wonderful - Vantage, Stage, Descent, Ticket - HT


Welcome to the ML Club! :D
What a wonderful, excellent HT set-up... :D I love you system not only your ML's but especially your Anthem gear. Your system looks very cool in the dark as well. May I ask how you light your HT system? What's your secret?

Awesome HT all ML system... :D
Thanks Robin, if you look a few posts up from here you will see the link for the lights.
When I first put my system together I was 90% HT and 10% music at home. However since I received the ML set up a month ago I’m about 75% HT and 25% music. I’m sure is a short time I’ll be at 50/50. Music sounds so good and relaxing with the ML. It is easy to make a long play list with the Control 4. The control 4 has a big hard drive and allowed me to burn my entire CD collection. It also streams music store on my computer. That is another reason I have been listening to allot more music. I know I lose some of the sound quality when CD is compress and stored on the hard driver but still sounds great.
The reason behind the lights is that when we listen to music the room is just dark and boring. So I went out and found something to bring the room to life a little. They work great and there is about 8-10 different light patterns. The only down side if you want to change the light pattern you have to change each one individually and no remote.

Love the system and LOVE that 70 inch Sony SXRD TV! I recently got a chance to see one and I was totally blown away with what I saw. The store I went to has all brands of HDTV's, but the absolute clearest, most 3 dimensional images came from the Sony 70 inch XBR2. I was so impressed with what I saw that hopefully by years end I'll have one (along with either Toshiba's 2nd gen. HD-DVD player or a Blu-ray player).

I'm curious, I was really impressed by the black level on the new Sony, but everything being demo'd was HD nature stuff. How are the black levels on DVD movies? In you opinion how do they compare with CRT?

Awesome system and welcome to the club!
Sorry, I haven't been back to the sight in a little while. Enjoying the set up. The black levels are fine for DVD. I’m very happy I waited for about 6 month for this TV. Well worth the wait.