System #116 (Summit)

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I think you're our first Rowland owner. How do you like the 201s?

Nice setup by the way. I'm jealous of everyones recent upgrades.

Summit / Rowland Beautifully Musical...


Wow! What a beautiful Summit set-up with rowland gear to boot. I can see why you don't need a Descent anymore... ;) I like your Tri-angle corner sound room treatments. How big of a tri-angle corner piece did you make?

The photos of your system look great too. :D
I wanted to thank everybody for there responces. I worked hard for many years to get to this point. I feel I am done with upgrading at this time. The only thing I may consider is the speaker cables.

As far as the Rowland gear the preamp and amps sound wounderful togather. the mids are smooth and detailed, the highs are also detailed but with no sharpness or irritation. Violins, Flute, Guitar. and Female Vocals sound Musical. I owned Classe, Krell, Bel Canto, to name a few and the Rowland is far better in all ways. That realy amazes me for a digital amp.

Robin as far as the room treatment goes I used 2'x4'x2" fiberglass panels covered in heavy cotton. The tri-angle is the same thing only 2'x2'x2" turned differently to brake it up. They work well and only cost me $25.00 each to make. They hang on the wall like a picture.

Thanks again for the great comments.

Russb said:
Robin as far as the room treatment goes I used 2'x4'x2" fiberglass panels covered in heavy cotton. The tri-angle is the same thing only 2'x2'x2" turned differently to brake it up.


Russ,What about the triangles in the upper corners of the room against the ceiling,what are the dimensions and what is the effect of the panels.To help clean up the bass??

RUSSB: i live in the Akron area and would be very intrested in hearing your setup in a home enviornment, i presently have the SL3's, cinema, scripts in a home theatre system using the Bryston Amps. thanks
Corner Tunes

theWB said:
Russ,What about the triangles in the upper corners of the room against the ceiling,what are the dimensions and what is the effect of the panels.To help clean up the bass??

The tri-angles in the uper corners are made by Michael Green. They are part of his room tune package. they are called corner tunes. They are used to reduce the pressure that is generated in the bass area. The corner is eliminated thus reducing the pressure point.
lexor said:
RUSSB: i live in the Akron area and would be very intrested in hearing your setup in a home enviornment, i presently have the SL3's, cinema, scripts in a home theatre system using the Bryston Amps. thanks
Yes you can come up to listen to my system to see what you think. It is set up only for 2-channel only. Here is my e-mail address look me up and I will send you my phone number so we can set a day and time .I realy don't wan't to post my number.


I own system #115. I just wondered whether you really think the Summits are a MAJOR upgrade over the Ascent/Descent combo you owned. In what ways do you think the Summits beat that combo?

Really curious to know, and PLEASE try to be honest and unbiased about it!


User211 said:

I own system #115. I just wondered whether you really think the Summits are a MAJOR upgrade over the Ascent/Descent combo you owned. In what ways do you think the Summits beat that combo?

Really curious to know, and PLEASE try to be honest and unbiased about it!



Justin I feel the Summits do the bass better between 40hz and 80hz. The drums are more detailed more in time with the panels. The Ascent-i speakers that I had before I got the Summits thay were missing that area of bass. I mean it was there but it was weak. You don't realy need a sub with the Summits but when I had my Descent it did make a big differance in the lower end. The Descent gave a stronger thump. But for $2500 I felt I could live without it for now. The panels to me seem to be almost equal in sound reproduction. The Summits have a bit more detail and bigger sound stage, but over all they are pretty close. The Summits just control the bass area much better.
Hello Russell!

It is quite obvious your a man of great wisdom and refined taste! :)

I also have the Summits with the Rowland Concerto and 201's, but I currently have an analog only front end. I have a Clearaudio Solution TT with an outer ring clamp, a Unify tonearm, and a Cardas Ruby3 cartridge. My cables are AQ Cheetah and Gibraltar. I've been considering a Wadia player and would be interested in your thoughts about how the Wadia performs in your system. My local dealer is a Wadia dealer and has the new 900 series seperates on display, but for $38K thats a little out of my price range!!! It does sound amazing though. Looking forward to your comments.

Tim Corn
Muskogee, OK
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BigJilm! said:
Hello Russell!

It is quite obvious your a man of great wisdom and refined taste! :)

I also have the Summits with the Rowland Concerto and 201's, but I currently have an analog only front end. I have a Clearaudio Solution TT with an outer ring clamp, a Unify tonearm, and a Cardas Ruby3 cartridge. My cables are AQ Cheetah and Gibraltar. I've been considering a Wadia player and would be interested in your thoughts about how the Wadia performs in your system. My local dealer is a Wadia dealer and has the new 900 series seperates on display, but for $38K thats a little out of my price range!!! It does sound amazing though. Looking forward to your comments.

Tim Corn
Muskogee, OK

The Wadia is the best CD player that I have ever owned. It has a smooth, warm, and has detailed sound that is simply musical. The detail of the instruments, and the placement of them is wounderful. I have had the unit for 5-years now and I tryed other players,(Levinson,Krell,Classe,Carey.) but I still like the sound of the Wadia. I even tryed using the Wadia directly to my amps. but I find it lacking in the bass area and not as dynamic as with a preamp. Also better volume control with the preamp. I don't beleve in using the Wadia without a preamp. If I was to buy another cd player I would go with the 581 or the 781 that is in my price range, or I would just get my 850 re-built.

Russb said:
I even tryed using the Wadia directly to my amps. but I find it lacking in the bass area and not as dynamic as with a preamp.

We tried the same thing (with Concerto and without) with the big Wadia pieces at my local dealer and had the exact same results as yours. I think that speaks volumes on the Rowland gear. To my ear the Rowland/Summit combo is a perfect match.

Now I'm going to have to search for a Wadia player!!

Thanks for your input Russ...
