Final decision has been made . . .
One final option to consider, as if you need more choices, is to upgrade your amp. I used to have a Hafler but, with all due respect, it is really outdated. Maybe your dealer can let you borrow a newer amp for a test drive with your current setup so you can hear what this scenario may sound like.
Having said all the above, the Summit is an incredible speaker that, if you decide to purchase, you will never look back.
Good luck.
First of all I want to thank everyone who responded here. This was a tough decision, but one that I will live with . . . for now.
I am going to keep the Vantage/Descent i combination. 
Seeing that for now my room is only 15 feet front to back, my eventual need for a sub for HT, the added estimated $2,500 - $2,800 cost of upgrading, not to mention the pain I would put my dealer through . . I think it's the right move for me. Although it would be nice to have the Summits, I am quite satisfied with the sound of the Vantages and Descent i combo.
There are pros and cons, as members have pointed out on this thread, and others. Gordon is correct that my 1980's Hafler equipment is not up to speed with today's technology. I'm saving my pennies and for now am researching power amps, pre amps and HT processors. There's still the 100 hour beak in period, proper placement from walls, toe in, spikes, panel angle, room sonics, etc., etc., etc., to keep me occupied for sometime to come. I believe that I have a long way to go before I out grow the Vantages!
I'm sure to be posting more questions in the future. I really enjoy this forum. Lot's of great information/interaction, not to mention the great sense of humor had by MANY members. On more than a few occasions I have busted out laughing at the computer. An enjoyable experience for sure. That's what this is all about for me. An escape from the work world, meeting new people, and that trip to sonic heavan, when late at night, in the dark a big grin comes to my face, because I've just heard a word I've never heard before on a CD that I've played hundreds of times, or a room shaking low note, or a vocalist like Linds Ronstadt hits one of those notes that is sooo sweet, and you swear she is in the room with you! Ok, you get the picture!