Very well said. BTW, Joey is the President (TomDAC being Chairman). Why who knows, everybody seems to love him.

I guess Melissa and us do have something in common. See Joey she should like the ML forum.
Nonono... I take no credit for anything on this forum. This is Tom's forum and many others have seniority over me here. I merely post but there are many here who have more knowledge and experience than I do. I think the only reason why I have a lot of posts compared to others is:
1. I post whenever I feel like it... lol!
2. The old, original MLO site was updated to this particular site and all post counts were erased.
Anyway, I cant take the credit for any seniority on this forum... I really cant... I'm merely another member who tries to learn from the rest and gives tips and opinions whenever necessary or the opportunity presents itself.
I would rather bow before guys like
Jeff Z (who's guided me several times),
Dave aka twich (who is the driving force behind many of my upgrades),
Dan aka DTB (who subliminally PMs me with tips on the modded side of CDP),
Robin aka Robin (who cheers up the place),
Cherian (who put me on the path of tubes),
Chris aka cstpeter (who has given me plenty of DAC help),
Jerry aka DrJRapp (who has exchanged several PMs with me regarding Rotel and whatnot),
Kachi (and his crazy hovercrafts),
Ken aka kcl (for his zest and his new Summits),
Craig (for his wealth of experience with ML and SF and exotic gear like Electrocompaniet),
Rich (for his amusing posts spiced with take-it-to-the-bank knowledge),
JonFo (for DIY-goodness),
Neil aka bobgoat (for egging me to get the Vantages early on),
James aka PCar (for his recent membership on this forum has been a joy to follow for me... what with his car fettish and MBL love!),
Alex aka Munster (for his numerous HT DVDs that he offers to the forum),
Jason aka jwtrace (for his help with the spikes),
Wayne aka theWB (for some good ol' Chicago comraderie!),
Edwin aka edwinr (for his love and loyalty to Club Summit),
Steve aka stesom (for pointing me in the right direction and for graciously hosting me at his nice house),
Lugano (for his nirvana which a lot of have yet to achieve... and the ribs that he grills!),
Mark aka MickeyVee (for his constant love for the Claritys, I remember when I was new he was already here and although a lot of members come and go, he's always with us even if he doesnt post as much),
Aerius007 (another one of my contemporaries),
Sleepy (for all the tweaks he has been trying),
BeatDominator (probably someone who I see a lot of myself in with regards to the posts he puts up), and of course, who could forget to thank
Tom aka TomDac (for the club and his ribbings on me!), ... and several more that I'm sure I p***ed off because I just forgot...
Me? Just another member! Thanks guys!!