I do not need the DD models as I already have the SMS-1. Someone else did recommend the HGS series as a possibility. Two 15" Might be some serious overkill for the room size I have of < 2500cf.
Yeah, ACI get some great talk about their products. I stopped by their site to view their offerings and read some stuff over at AVS and Audio Circles
Hmmm...being that I am already located in a basement, wouldn't I have to do the infinite on the ceiling

for it work properly - for that infiinte baffle effect???? Ha Ha!!! Or I gues I could just jack-hammer through the concrete foundation floor and build the baffle down below - Conversation would go like this: "Don't worry honey (wife) I am just doing something for the stereo...this hole really won't be seen!!!" Remember the picture of the sub system that was built into the concrete floor floating around the net?