Speaker choice and placement advice - screenshots attached

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Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
Vaughan, ON, Canada
Hi guys.

I need some advice. I have auditioned both the Martin Logan Vista and Source for my fronts. Both are very nice compared to the B&W and Paradigm speakers that I have auditioned in the same price range. The Vista and Source were being driven by a Pioneer Elite VSX-01 - the lowest offering from Pioneer Elite (~$700 US).

When I auditioned on the showroom floor, when driven by this receiver, the Vista's had a certain "airiness" and "grandness" to them, which I didn't quite get from the Source. Now, if a better receiver were driving them, would the Source be able to produce the same "airiness/grandness" in a smaller room? Both were superb in the clarity though.

The Vista will cost about $4000 US and the Source will cost me about $2300 US. I will be purchasing the unit in Canada.

Now, here are some screenshots of my TV room (below). The bar-stools around the TV stand are the placeholders for the speakers. Is that enough room for a Vista? My concern is that there isn't enough clearance. The TV stand is bolted to the wall btw, so it cannot be moved - and I don't want it to cover the attic door.

If you were to buy the front speakers to my room, based on my room dimensions, orientation, and what I said about sound quality, what would you do? :)

I will likely buy a Matinee for a Center channel as well.

Thanks very much for your help.


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well - if you liked the vistas better than the source - get the vistas... I am a believer in getting the best speaker you can get - and worrying about the other stuff later. that sure is going to be a near field lisenting experience there - but, I would think the vistas would be a nice match for that small room - plus the hardwood will accentuate more of the bass a bit as well - iwould think... Once you get your things in there - consider some nice room treatments on the walls behind your vistas... possibly from ATS acoustics... but, the vistas cost 4K do they? If that is your price range... I'll be honest - I would go to audiogon this second - and get some summits for 4800.... but,go back and read my first sentence.... :)
There are a set of vantages on www.canuckaudiomart.com at a great price, asking $3450. with 50 hours on them. I would take them over vista's.There was a set of Oddyssey's on there but they sold. There is another set of Odyssey's on there, but way over priced.That would have been the ticket.

Due to a very narrow room, you will be listening in the near feild. The speakers should be 4 ft off the back wall, 5 feet would be perfect. This is the distance from the wall to the stator panel. Due to your couch being right at the wall, absobtive treatments will be needed there behind the couch.

Cheers , Greg
definitely agree with moon - and I think we are on the same page here... I would go used.... I did when I purchased my oddysseys... they felt brand spankin' new to me!!
Staying with the used theme here and if you like the Vistas, you can pick them up on Agon for the price of the Source.

I think the Vista is a great speaker but I'm running mine with a big Pass amp. I haven't heard the Vista with a receiver.

I do think your room will need some acoustic treatment as well.
In my usual humble opinion, you're going to have to soften that room up big time, much like the board member ( sorry I forgot the name) that did up his whole room with home made panels.
Walk around the room and clap your hands at various positions, high, low, etc. If any echo, and there will be, sounds more like a rubber band "twanging" than any semblance of an echo, then no speaker or system will give you it's return of cost.
Thanks everyone for your comments.

A few questions based on your responses.
1) I see what you say about the used equipment. The vantages are a pretty good deal. Now, is the ML warranty transferable? Or am I out of pocket if the unit goes belly up the next day.
2) It is not possible for me to have the speaker 4-5 feet from the back wall without the placement being ugly (essentially sufficient for a veto from the wife) - it has to be somewhat aligned with the TV stand. So, it will likely be 2 to 2 1/2 feet from the back wall. That is why I was concerned the Vista might be overkill and Source might be sufficient if I can't get the full benefit of the Vista. The Vista is going to be ~$2000 more expensive if I go the "new" route. While, I am ok with the "Vista" budget, I also don't want to waste money for no gain. Whether I go the used route is really dependent on the Warranty issue.
3) Will room treatment allow me to place the speaker closer to the wall without compromising sound quality? i.e. if I put room treatment behind the speaker/beside the TV stand.

I definitely need to investigate the room treatments available in much more detail.

Thanks again for your help!
The warranty isn't transferable. I bought my Odyssey's used from a dealer and a circuit board went. ML replaced it for free even though I didn't have a warranty.I wouldn't let a warranty issue hamper you from definatelly getting a set of ML's at a greatly reduced price, having money to spend else where such as in the room treatment area.

I am sure ML would do right for you if anything happened to a speaker less than 5 years old. They are a great company when it comes to this kind of thing and stand behind there products.

The very least that I would have the speakers off the wall is 3 feet with absorbtion behind them such as the real traps high frequency traps or you can make your own such as I did.

Remember, the $3450. is just the asking price. Did you do a search, typing in martin logan at the top of the canuck home page and hit search?There may be other models you might be intersested in. There was a set of spires on ther 3 weeks ago that went at a great price, so check back often.Here's another set off canuck right in Toronto, with a demo included anytime http://www.canuckaudiomart.com/deta...an_vantage_cherry_like_new_in_original_boxes/

Absorbtion will definately be needed as I said before behind your couch due to it being right on the wall. Having ML's in that room is certainly do able.Once you hear them, there is simply no turning back to a conventional speaker. They are also stunning to look at as well.Here's one example of how to make 1/2 round tube traps for your walls, panels are quite easy to make also.http://web.archive.org/web/20070208004447/http://dougploss.com/tubetrap.htm

Cheers, Greg
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