Sony 52" XBR4

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2005
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Tampa, FL
Well, after weeks of research, I've pretty much settled on getting a Sony 52" XBR4 LCD HDTV. I ultimately chose LCD over Plasma because I absolutely need a non-reflective screen. My 2nd choice was the new Samsung 71 series, but it's polished panel was too reflective. Before pulling the trigger and ordering the Sony, just curious if anybody here has one of these newer XBR4/5 series, and what you think of it.
I live in new jersey and have been waiting on my 52" XBR5 for about 2 months now. My dealer said I was the first order for one from his store--Tweeter. I cannot wait for it

Let me know when you get yours.

I went to my local Tweeter today, hoping they'd have the XBR4, as I also wanted to hear the Motif. The store was half empty. They told me they'd ONLY be carrying the XBR5, but no idea when they'd get them in stock. They said they had ONE Motif in stock, but it was still in the box, and to come back later in the week. The salesmen and store manager were all sitting around, but apparently not eager to woo customers. IMHO, Tweeter is on it's last legs.

I checked online, and Best Buy had the 52" XBR4 in stock, so I placed the order, with delivery slated for next Monday! Now I've got to arrange for my Verizon Fios hookup ASAP!
We have the new XBR4 here at my store (MHT) and at first i didn't think it was that big of an improvement over the XBR2 and 3, but after hooking it up to a bluray display. Wow. This TV is ridiculous. Johnny Depp literally looks 3D on Pirates of the Carribean. The overall color is a little oversaturated and overdramatic, I'd say right out of the box there is not much detail to the picture.. but because of the 120hz refresh system and the severe black levels, once calibrated, this would be one tough tv to beat.

We have the new 71 series samsung too which looks okay. I sold the 81 series samsung just the other day but we don't have it yet. I can't wait to see that one with its supposed 500,000:1 contrast (yeah right!).

As far as LCD, I'd say the Sharp soon to be released 94 series and the Sony XBR series are the absolute hardest to beat with the Samsung being very close behind. The only thing that holds the Samsungs back is its processing. Its not nearly as good as the Sony's or Sharp's. LCDs are getting so tough to beat these days. Viewing angle is the only thing I can't stand about them.

That being said, If I was going for an LCD, whichever one I chose, I wouldn't even think twice about getting it calibrated. These TVs have the capability to produce an insane amount of colors, but the colors are so oversaturated straight out of the box that it looks horrible.
That being said, If I was going for an LCD, whichever one I chose, I wouldn't even think twice about getting it calibrated. These TVs have the capability to produce an insane amount of colors, but the colors are so oversaturated straight out of the box that it looks horrible.

Yeah, I figured I'd need to do some calibrating, once I get it. I've been following some threads on AVS Forums... getting all those settings right looks daunting!

Is there a particular calibration/setup DVD you recommend?
Honestly it really just depends on how pick you are about the picture quality. Any calibration DVD is going to even out some coloring issues for you and make the picture look easier on the eyes, but it isn't anything you can't do with your own eyes and a little bit of patience. Getting it professionally calibrated is going to actually make the picture clearer and more realistic. With whomever you decide to get it calibrated with, just make sure you talk to them and get to know them a little beforehand. Like in any profession, there are people who are enthusiasts and really care about their job and the customer, and there are people who hate their jobs and just do it for the money.

Let the TV run on its out of the box settings for about 150-200 hours when you first get it, then fiddle with it and try to get a picture that you like. Then if you still aren't fully satisfied with it, get it professionally calibrated.

Its like setting up and toeing in your speakers and putting absorption panels on the wall. You want to get the very most out of your $4000+ investment you just made.
I went to my local Tweeter today, hoping they'd have the XBR4, as I also wanted to hear the Motif. The store was half empty. They told me they'd ONLY be carrying the XBR5, but no idea when they'd get them in stock. They said they had ONE Motif in stock, but it was still in the box, and to come back later in the week. The salesmen and store manager were all sitting around, but apparently not eager to woo customers. IMHO, Tweeter is on it's last legs.

I checked online, and Best Buy had the 52" XBR4 in stock, so I placed the order, with delivery slated for next Monday! Now I've got to arrange for my Verizon Fios hookup ASAP!

You're going to love the FISO! Had it for about 4 weeks and never will go back to Brightdump. :D
Only reason I waited so long was not wanting to give up my 10 year old email address, but I just contacted Earthlink, and they'll continue my email (without Internet access) for $30/yr!! I'm calling Verizon tomorrow, for their triple-bundle package!
I have the XBR3 LCD flatpanel. It is absolutely fabulous IMHO. There is a review on the internet by a professional with good suggestions on calibrating a XBR2. I used it and it looks great.

BTW, if you do NOT have Blu-ray or HDDVD player, to REALLY see the difference between Sony XBR2-5 vs. anthing else, you need to feed it 1080i signal AND then use DRC Mode 2. DRC Mode 2 make a huge difference in picture quality.

XBR4-5 is great...and it is significantly better than my least, based on specs.
What are the sizes and prices of the new Sony's? In particular those at or above 52"? Really looking to go 56" or 58" after the first of the year for the bedroom. Like the Sony's. If I go Sony then every TV in the house will be Sony! 70" RPTV (freaking AWESOME!), 42" Sony Plasma display (very nice indeed at 768 res!) and then whatever I end up with in 6-9 months!
Sony LCD flatpanel goes up to 52" max. There is a 70" but it's $33,000. There is nothing in between. 52" is right now max for LCD (other than the ridiculous 70" Sony).
Has LCD overtaken plasma?

Well, after weeks of research, I've pretty much settled on getting a Sony 52" XBR4 LCD HDTV. I ultimately chose LCD over Plasma because I absolutely need a non-reflective screen. My 2nd choice was the new Samsung 71 series, but it's polished panel was too reflective. Before pulling the trigger and ordering the Sony, just curious if anybody here has one of these newer XBR4/5 series, and what you think of it.

I was under the impression that the top of the line plasmas like B&O and Pioneer Elite were better than top of the line LCD's. Has this recently changed? Sony LCD's seemed to me overly bright compared to Pioneer Elite plasmas (but I am not into TVs that much).
They are a whole lot brighter. He said that he cannot go plasma because he needs a non-reflective screen. IMHO lcd's still have issues with lighting, the picture gets a lot more dull when sunlight is hitting it, just like an lcd display on a cell phone does.

And there are definitely LCD's bigger than 52, there is a 57" Samsung and a 65" Sharp, both of which are 1080p and are at any MHT location.
FI, Toshiba has announced a 57" LCD model in their Regza line, but it's not shipping yet.

The plasma's are indeed brighter (with larger screens too) but they all have a highly reflective glass surface. I have an open kitchen located directly to the rear of my family/listening room, with about 8 ceiling lights. Some, or all, are always on at night, and would definitely hinder HDTV viewing. I also have ambient light from two sliding glass doors. I thought about trying a Plasma with a fully adjustable wall-mount, but it would take a fair bit of tweaking to minimize ALL reflections. The LCD approach was a no-brainer.

I know in 6 months there will be 57+" LCD's available, with even better technology, at lower prices than I paid. So it goes with technology!