Very sorry to hear about the water damage and really hope everything turns out well for you! I'm no stranger to water damage - I know how awful it can be.
I'm curious as to how your fish tank filter actually leaked? What kind of filter is it? I have a 300 gallon marine system that I have put together in the best way I know possible to prevent a catastrophe, but when your dealing with large vessels holding and circulating around water, you can never be 100% guaranteed of not having a failure at some point. It is funny (or not so ) that you happened to have your recent incident. When I came into my office on Monday, we had a hot water heater that had leaked. It probably started about an hour after I had closed up for the weekend on Friday! I still have have about 20 industrial size fans running trying to dry it all up as quickly as possible. It's going to be about a $10,000 insurance claim or a little more before all is said and done.
Kevin it looks like it happened when we lost power the other day. When it came back on I suspect the pump cavitated and caused enough vibration for one of the locking clips to pop loose. This allowed the seal to be broken at the one corner. There was about a pencil lead size stream running out when I found it. It has been running for 8-10 hours that way. It lowered the water just over half way in our 50 gallon fresh water tank.
Thanks, I was just wondering if something came lose, became clogged, or cracked. When it comes to aquariums I have heard plenty of horror stories. Sorry to hear about your spill.
Santos Mahogany is what they use in Flooring. Very dense wood, about 2200 on the Janka scale which is 175% harder than oak. The good news is its very stable meaning it takes moisture and can handle it well without any real change in dimension. . If you have any crawl space or basement below get lots of fresh air blowing on that as the sub floor is wet and holding moisture. You need to get BIG carpet fans on that. The upper area will certainly help by pushing fresh air to evaporate any trapped moisture. The under side is key. I am 24 years in the hardwood Flooring business. Its not the end of the world. If you can be patient and wait it may go back down, 20 gallons is A LOT of water. If it was a pre finished you have a better chance of not seeing the edge curl as there is a micro bevel. If its sand site it may compression crush and when it dries you may have a bigger gap as the grain swelled and then crushed against it self then shrinks back to proper moisture and now you have a gap that WILL not go away. Enjoy the scotch as there isnt anything you can do to help this early.
2 choices
1 Wait and be patient and hope for the best. Sometimes you get lucky and over time it goes back down. Most time its still noticeable and your double aware of it and it will drive you nuts after 10 scotches you will still cant blur it away! MY least favorite option Plus its hard on the liver.
2 Call insurance NOW and get bids to tear out and replace . Remember you pay those monthly payments for THIS exact reason. Then Enjoy that scotch as you gloat over your NEW floor that you had before and NOW! :rocker: