Robin said:
There are a few simple (dumb) questions I have, Dan...
Please tell me how it is hooked-up? Does it control your subwoofer? Or do your make adjustments to your subwoofer based on the measurements and information that the SMS-1, gives you? Also, is the SMS-1 hooked-up to your monitor - for an on screen display?
Robin and all other SMS-1 interested is some more on the unit.
First, from Velodyne:
"The SMS-1, featuring Velodyne's revolutionary Digital Drive room correction software, provides all the tools you'll need to adapt ANY subwoofer to the anomalies of your room. With all the features of Digital Drive, including full DSP control, an on-screen display and 8-band digital parametric equalizer, you can see your subwoofer and room's unique characteristics on your TV and adjust the sub's performance accordingly."
Translation: It is a Room/Sub EQ system allowing you to tailor your sub response for your equipment and your room. It comes with all patch cords to hook up to your Pre Amp and/or HT Receiver/Processor, a microphone which looks like a Behringer ECM8000 (already calibrated for the SMS-1) and a 20ft Microphone cable.
My system hookup: My ARC SP-16L preamp has two main outs and I run one to my CLSIIz's amp (Full Range) and I run the other to the SMS-1, which then has a summed output (it also has a L/R output) to my Sub Amp. BTW, the SMS-1 accepts either RCA or XLR.
SMS-1: Video output, either RCA or S-Video to my HT Receiver so I can see output on TV screen. You could also buy a unit from ViewSonic that would allow you to send this RCA/S-Video output to the Viewsonic, which in turn is connected to a Computer Monitor. But the TV works fine. Why did I mention this? I will cover later on in the message.
Simplicity: Quick and dirty. Hook up the mic, auto EQ and done. The Auto EQ runs 25 sweeps from 15Hz - 200Hz and sets the 8 Parametric band EQ to its best settings. You can be done at that point if you wish. But with SO MUCH MORE TO PLAY WITH, why stop there
Next: You then go into the setup of the unit and modify the response by manipulating the 8 Parametric Bands. These can have a +6 boost, or a -13 cut. These bands can be moved from 15 Hz to 120Hz, even stacking multiple bands on top of one another - if you wish. Each band can also have the "Q" value changed.
Next Part Two: You can then change the Low Pass Xover & Slope, Phase, Polarity, SubSonic Xover & Slope for the setup of a single EQ.
Next Part Three: Now there are 6 Presets you have with the system. Each has all of the "Next Part Two" sections, along with a specific Frequency decided by YOU, where you can boost or cut at that specific Hz. For instance the #1 Preset has a boost of 3dB at 35Hz which is great for adding that low end boost for action/adventure movies - giving your that low end feeling
Next Part Four: You can change ANY of the settings I mentioned above and then go back a screen and see the REAL TIME results of your changes, graphically.
Each of the 6 Presets can have their own EQ. Right now I am using one EQ setting for my room.
How I am using the PreSets is as follows:
PreSet #1: has all the same settings but I have the Contour Frequency set for 35Hz and have a 3dB boost on it - this I use when watching movies.
Other PreSet #2 - #5: No Contour Boost or Cut, but I do have different Low Pass Xover points set. #2 = 60Hz, #3 = 80Hz, #4 = 100Hz, #5 = 120Hz. Note that these also have the same Low Pass Xover Slope used. So when listening to a source that is thin or weak, or too much bass, I choose a PreSet and adjust volume levels to obtain the bass response that I like. So far these have worked very well for me.
There is one last Preset #6 - This has all the same settings as #1 thru #5, but when engaged it BYPASSES the EQ. This preset will allow you to experience what the SMS-1 is really doing for your music in your room for your setup. This is a GREAT feature to really see what you are getting from the SMS-1.
OKAY RESULTS? That is the bottom line here isn't it? See picture of my results at the bottom of this message (So far with the limited playing around, this is the best graph I can get). Sorry I do not have the original. The original had some serious peaks and dips and I was really amazed at what the unit could do to get me to the point you see in the picture.
Impression - Excellent change to low end detail and of course sound.
In Bypass mode - Boomy bass, sometimes overwhelming the music unless turned down, then with low volume levels the bass can become non-existant.
EQ Engaged: No boom, hearing parts of instruments that were veiled before. Able to add more volume without adding boom either when needed or wanted. Very easy to change from EQ to Bypass mode to hear the difference.
When I first set it up, I did the quick and dirty auto-EQ, and listened. I thought what difference did it make? I then switched to Bypass Mode...
ah ha...that's the difference!!!! After the few hours of playing around with it, I am very pleased with the addition of the SMS-1 to my setup. For those looking to get Bass improvement to their system - that should be all of us

- this is a must addition.
Small Note: When ever you want to make a change to any of the settings, except the PreSet Selection and Volume level, you will need to use the TV to see them. While the SMS-1 does have a Front Panel display (display can be turned ON or OFF), none of the other settings can be seen there. Maybe this will be possible in the Future. Remember that I mentioned the Computer Monitor Hookup above. Here is where this might come in handy if you are a constant TINKERER

. You could have an extra monitor, say a flat panel type, hooked up and at any time, where you could see settings without having to use the TV. I see this as a minor issue as PreSets can be used to a point for some changes. But lets say you really want the ability to change the Low Pass filter from what you have set in the PreSets - 60 is not enough, and 80 is too much, to change to 72, you would need to see the display. AGAIN, I think this is REAL NITPICKING and is not really an issue to be concerned about...but I thought it was worth mentioning.
Upgrading: The SMS-1 is upgradable for the software via a RS-232 Port. So any updates to the Digital Drive software from Velodyne is easily done. With this being the initial release of the unit, I would plan to see changes and upgrades in the future. Do not be surpised if the front panel display is not used more extensively in the future.