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Finally - a post that goes some way to answering my question "why does this only happen in the US".

Of course, even if gunmen are unable to obtain a weapon legally - the sheer number of them in the US makes it very easy for someone with malintent to get their hands on one.
Ouch, now we have gone from guns to election results.
I personally don’t judge a president by what the media says. I judge performance of their duty. My observation is that “Brandon” isn’t getting it done!!!
Oops, gotta go fill up with $5.00 a gallon gas, then to the grocery store for a $5.00 loaf of bread, I don’t drink, but i I noticed beer has gone up as well.
Maybe I should have bought an electric car. Oops, batteries came from china!!! And have to be replaced every 3 years at a cost of $ 3,000 dollars(again from china).
Take my guns, come and try!!!!!
I think it is more than what is being discussed here. After many years in Western Europe and Japan, I am now in Texas. I have witnessed an appalling amount of rude and aggressive driving in the last four years, more than I ever saw in Europe. People are so stressed, so in a hurry, so bent on getting ahead they will cut people off, be exceedingly reckless in their lane changes and generally act like they are entitled to ignore any civilized behavior. I like to call it "driving like a salmon", flip-flopping between lanes at high speed with little regard for their action; all to gain one or two car lengths over relatively short distances. All of this speaks to a nation of people without regard for others, spending their entire life staring at their own navel and crapping on everybody else. I believe this wonton disregard for others is what the USA has bred and it is the abhorrent behavior that goes to new heights when you introduce a weapon that allows you to crap on others at a distance. American society needs to look at the disgusting spectacle that is US politics, and decide if that is the legacy we want to write into the books of history. I am nearing the twilight of my own life and I feel saddened by the carnage around me.
The film media and news media sacrifice objectivity for nationalism. The current turmoil has a deep history of injustice. It began when America was discovered by Christopher Columbus. The Europeans were hostile invaders with superior firearms who carried out genocide of the true native Americans called Red Indians. European invaders or ancestors of current white Americans tried out all tactics to butcher and forcibly grab land belonging to Red Indians. Red Indians bow and arrow were less deadly than guns possessed by invaders.

The horror of colonialism and slavery is conveniently swept under the carpet. Colonialism and slavery led to horrific human rights violation. Racism is the diluted form of slavery.

In more recent history are human rights violation of not only killing muslim nationals of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya and devastation of their homeland by USA armed forces. But in addition, USA taking possession and depleting massive oil reserves belonging to Libya and Iraq.

After genocide, colonialism, slavery, being first to manufacture nuclear arms to be used twice against Japanese civilians and murdering Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan nationals, what right does USA have to point finger at China and Russia for human right violations. Or put sanctions on Iran and causing their population to suffer. And threaten Pakistan with sanctions if we obtain from Russia direly needed by Pakistan citizens gas, oil and wheat at reduced price.
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Ok, I’m outa here. Now the USA is responsible for all the worlds evil. Here’s the thing, maybe the next president will take away ALL the foreign aid we give to other countries. Keep it all to ourselves. What happens then?
My middle eastern friend, who is an Israeli and I were having a conversation a while back. I asked him , how do we handle all the problems in his part of the world. He said it’s simple, build a fence around it all, give them everything they need(weapons, food, housing, anything they need) close it off. And quite simply, last man standing wins!!!
He was joking of course, but the reality is just that simple. Take away the guns, they will use knives, take away the knives, they will use their hands, take away their hands????
I can’t reason with all here, and I don’t think I need to. Look inside yourself, believe in yourself, take care of yourself, family, friends, neighbors. That’s all I can ask for. Don’t blame me for someone else’s misbehaving. Nuff said, outta here.
The young killer had a Mother that was a convicted felon. A Father that was a convicted felon. A Grandmother that was a convicted felon. Did no one see any issues with this troubled young life?

Latest information shows one of the teachers propped open a door against all regulations. Police faced steel doors they could not open. I'm sure there will be much more to learn, unfortunately going forward.
Latest information shows one of the teachers propped open a door against all regulations. Police faced steel doors they could not open. I'm sure there will be much more to learn, unfortunately going forward.

Steel doors that must be locked. Wow - sounds more like a prison than a place of childhood carefree exuberence which entices learning.

Here is what my kids' school is like - lots of glass, open indoor-outdoor spaces and not a steel door in sight.

Yep. Better put some bullet proof steel doors up

:cry: :cry: :cry:

I feel so sad for America that this comment is not facetious.

That you would want to turn learning spaces like this into steel-doored prison cells; - and associated processes where said steel doors must not even be opened. Terribly sad.

But hey - if you want to argue that you don't even have a problem (as previous posters in this thread have tried to do), why do you even need the steel doors and lock-up procedures?

US is not as bad as Mauripol - so all is good. Why don't American schools look like my kids' then?

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Latest information shows one of the teachers propped open a door against all regulations. Police faced steel doors they could not open. I'm sure there will be much more to learn, unfortunately going forward.
And it turns out all that information was false. The police narrative on what actually happened here seems to be changing by the minute.
And it turns out all that information was false. The police narrative on what actually happened here seems to be changing by the minute.

To be fair, I'm sure it is changing by the minute as everyone contrives their story - working out what was on camera, what wasn't, what can be proven, what can't.
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The film media and news media sacrifice objectivity for nationalism. The current turmoil has a deep history of injustice. It began when America was discovered by Christopher Columbus. The Europeans were hostile invaders with superior firearms who carried out genocide of the true native Americans called Red Indians. European invaders or ancestors of current white Americans tried out all tactics to butcher and forcibly grab land belonging to Red Indians. Red Indians bow and arrow were less deadly than guns possessed by invaders.

The horror of colonialism and slavery is conveniently swept under the carpet. Colonialism and slavery led to horrific human rights violation. Racism is the diluted form of slavery. After genocide, colonialism, slavery and being first to manufacture nuclear arms to be used twice against Japanese civilians.

In more recent memory is human rights violation of not only killing Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya and devastation of their homeland by USA armed forces. But in addition, USA taking possession and depletion of massive oil reserves belonging to Libya and Iraq.

What right does USA have to point finger at China and Russia for human right violations. Or put sanctions on Iran and causing their population to suffer. And threaten Pakistan with sanctions if we obtain from Russia direly needed by our residents, gas, oil and wheat at reduced price.
Non Sequitur
And it turns out all that information was false. The police narrative on what actually happened here seems to be changing by the minute.
Yes I agree I heard that on the news this morning. True or not it was said the School Board had stopped all communications with the Police.
It's sad but sometimes I wish nothing would be said in the news about details until an investigation is finished. I often tends to create emotions people can't get past.
:cry: :cry: :cry:

I feel so sad for America that this comment is not facetious.

That you would want to turn learning spaces like this into steel-doored prison cells; - and associated processes where said steel doors must not even be opened. Terribly sad.

But hey - if you want to argue that you don't even have a problem (as previous posters in this thread have tried to do), why do you even need the steel doors and lock-up procedures?

US is not as bad as Mauripol - so all is good. Why don't American schools look like my kids' then?

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Actually Amey we do have schools that are open and airy. Most old schools are a bit more industrial looking. Probably most of the older members here went to schools like that in their youth.
We, at least here in the U.S., have been so bamboozled for so long that knowing fact from fiction becomes more difficult from day to day. That’s all I’ve got on this topic.