jfm, I am currently using a Rowland 8T on a pair of Apogee Divas in my two channel system. The Apogees are insensitive and the Rowland has plenty of power and just sounds more musical than the krell, levinson, and White. Of course Summits should not need this kind of power and I have wanted a tube amp for a very long time. Like aliveatfive I am lusting after an arc Ref 110. I may go for the Ref 110 before the Summits if it can drive the Apogees (my arc dealer promises it will). The rest of the system is arc PH5, arc Ref 3, Ayre c5xe, Sonic Frontiers SFD 2 Mk 3 (DAC for CD only when I am in a tubular mood), VPI HW 19 Mk4 with SDS, Koetsu Rosewood Sig.