I asked this near the end of another thread, but I think it deserves its own.
First, I have to admit I'm an absolute novice at creating, loading, and using a computer based music library. Heck, even after 35+ years in the computer business, I've never even 'ripped' a music CD. It doesn't scare me or anything like that, I've just never had a need for it. But that's changing now, and I've decided to give it a strong chance, using either a Squeezebox/DAC or a Transporter to play from the library.
After quite some time researching, I'm starting to get a pretty good feel for how I need to put this together. However, I'm still not clear about how (if?) SACD and DVD-A fits in. Can these be ripped like any other CD on my computer? Do I need any special CD/DVD reader for this? Given that I can do it, is the added musical quality present? Inquiring minds (well, at least mine) want to know.
First, I have to admit I'm an absolute novice at creating, loading, and using a computer based music library. Heck, even after 35+ years in the computer business, I've never even 'ripped' a music CD. It doesn't scare me or anything like that, I've just never had a need for it. But that's changing now, and I've decided to give it a strong chance, using either a Squeezebox/DAC or a Transporter to play from the library.
After quite some time researching, I'm starting to get a pretty good feel for how I need to put this together. However, I'm still not clear about how (if?) SACD and DVD-A fits in. Can these be ripped like any other CD on my computer? Do I need any special CD/DVD reader for this? Given that I can do it, is the added musical quality present? Inquiring minds (well, at least mine) want to know.