Russian tubes go 'Bye-Bye' for now.......

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Nov 25, 2005
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Alan (Sleepysurf) started a thread over @ Audio Shark on this, thought I'd move the question to the M/L forum as well.

So, what are the thoughts of those with vacuum tubes in their gear thinking now if they are in need of replacement ?

For me, a line stage and a phono-pre are all I have with tubes, low level signal tubes with relatively low hours so I'm not to worried.
About 4-5 months ago I began thinking about seeking a solid state amp that can give me some of the satisfaction my tube amps offer. My tube amps are not perfect by any means, but they offer a realism I thoroughly enjoy. I'm hoping to find some of that joy in solid state over the next year, as my solid state amp - which I enjoy very much and have been using for the last couple months - doesn't have that magic. SS offers up something my tube amps can't, extended highs with my ML speakers.

I find myself becoming more accepting of "less than perfect" sound. I enjoy hearing music at Home Depot over their PA system while shopping, so if that can be enjoyable, then why not while at home under better conditions but maybe not absolutely perfect? Anyway, I don't believe in perfect, just that some aspects are either better or simply different. So this is to say that I'm easing up a bit on things so listening to music is simply a joy.

That's my mindset while I ponder the latest events. I'm not rushing out to buy more tubes, I'd rather look towards other avenues. Maybe I'll find something, maybe not. It'll be fun to find out.

In the mean time, I'll be tweaking my room layout looking for some free upgrades in sound.
There are already lots of threads on various Audiophile Forums decrying the Russian tube blockade. I posted at AudioShark mainly to get the perspective of owner/dealer Mike, and many of the regulars there who have very high end tube gear like VAC, others.

Fortunately, my stereo amp (C-J Premier 350) is one of their rare SS models, and has no trouble powering my ML's (up to 1.6 kW into 2 ohms). It's magical when combined with a tube preamp. If/when I think my current 6N30P's in the preamp are wearing out, I'll try some of the old ones I kept as backups, that might actually have fewer hours on them. I'm also planning to try my Anthem (SS) MRX 740 again as a preamp, since Anthem just released their beta for automated sub integration.

I feel sorry for those with tube amps, who need more regular tube replacements.
As an owner of a preamp needing 12 tubes and 2 amps that each require 23 tubes clearly it is something to think about. The worst thing that happens is I need to go to a lesser tube.
It's not like Russia has quit producing tubes but, I clearly would think about supporting their the economy. It's a double edge sword.
Purchasing, supports the workers but, also the one that has started the entire situation.

Fortunately I bought a set for my Pre-Amp a few months ago knowing the hours were bringing them to their demise.
I do have 5 or 6 matched pairs of used but still ok changed tubes removes from the Power Amps. That doesn't mean they would be compatible with a pair that might need to be changed.

So if I don't want to purchase Russian then, tubes from China would be suspect for me also. There are probably other tubes that would be a problem potentially.

The answer is, I don't know what I will do. I don't see buying a pair of SS amps as the answer.

Hopefully things get settled in the Ukraine but I'm not holding my breath.
But Brad, having listened to CLX's driven buy superb SS amplification I know superb sound can be had ! ;)
I should have said buying a pair soon. I would clearly consider SS but, I need to buy my wife a new SUV and some jewelry :).

Not really, I would just walk around and look pitiful for a while and sigh frequently.
I should have said buying a pair soon. I would clearly consider SS but, I need to buy my wife a new SUV and some jewelry :).

Not really, I would just walk around and look pitiful for a while and sigh frequently.

Take her over to Audioseduction (George's) new abode with 15A's in a dedicated listening room, and sit down with her to listen. She'll pull off all her jewelry and demand you trade it in for a Pass amp (or monoblocks)! :love:
Take her over to Audioseduction (George's) new abode with 15A's in a dedicated listening room, and sit down with her to listen. She'll pull off all her jewelry and demand you trade it in for a Pass amp (or monoblocks)! :love:
Donna doesn't care if it's mine, George's, yours or an AM radio. Just isn't of interest for her.