Kenny, I've done cap replacements on several speakers including SL3's and Aerius'. Solen is a decent cap, but has a bit of grain to it. For anything over 30mfd, they are cost effective, while the more essoteric caps are not.
However, I would highly recommend that you use a higher quality cap for the 15mfd caps. These should be directly in your signal path, which is where you get the biggest bang for your buck.
I would recommend that you look at Auri caps for those 15mfd caps. The Auris are much smoother sounding than the Solens.
Here is a link to the tweeks section where I did the Aerius':
When doing crossover mods on Maggies, I take Solens out and put Auris in, and there is a big improvement. Solens, I think, are the best deal for higher-value caps, so anything over 50mfd I get Solens, but when I can afford it I get Auris. You could also use North Creek, Hovlands, or Sonicaps, all are well regarded.