Now Slappy
weekend treat
I'm not a big scotch fan, but the Bookers.........yes please!
weekend treat
A homegrown machine
When Eliza is called from her grave she uses her Summon Guards spell, they do not have a lot of health and not very dangerous by themselves in wow gold, however, combined with her abilities she can be very dangerous for someone to handle alone. She can re-summon the guards if slain so the best strategy is to get rid of her then eliminate her world of warcraft gold guards. A random number from 1 to 5 can be summoned and she can continue to summon more as the fight progresses.If you can, try to always start a fight with a wow gold charge. If your not the puller then let the puller pull a target while you back away from the group a bit. When the enemy starts running for the puller wait until it is two or three feet from the puller then charge.
Well I finally installed a bead filter for the pond. Water clarity took a serious leap forward. This along with the sieve and UV make the system pretty much "state of the art" Standing behind the system is my "koi guy" Rich. He is one of the best in the field in the Chicagoland area and helped with the install.
Doug - out
nice filter are you going to build a bamboo fence around it or something like that to hide it? UV is great along with a backflushable filter!
The filter is in a place right now that is pretty much unseen. I have considered a screen (if you will) but it would not be of the traditional bamboo. Our pond and water garden is not modeled after traditional Japanese settings. The fence (or screen) would be more of a rustic tree branch and cedar look if we do it at all.
You are correct about the UV. The UV I use is rated to 40,000 gallons I have a 20,000 gallon pond so it takes care of biz.:rocker: The bead filter is the Largest of the Advantage line from Sacramento Koi in California. This also will take care of biz.:rocker:
PS Fish Man has fish I assume?