Question about Ethos feet

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ
I have my new Ethos that were dealer demos. The user manual indicates that there are "spacers" between the cabinets and either the spikes or rubber bumper feet. Mine came with the spikes only. I don't really care about the rubber bumpers as I don't foresee ever using them, but the spacers may give some extra clearance for the down firing passive radiator. Are there really supposed to be spacers? The spikes do screw directly into the bottom of the cabinets.


J. Tucker
Contacted ML directly (thanks for the sticky...). Yes they do have feet or spacers. I can order them from ML.
The user manual says to remove the plastic feet when installing the spikes. Is this really recommended? Is it better to have the more direct rigid coupling or raise the speaker slightly by stacking the feet?
I used the spacers to secure the spikes at different heights to adjust the fore / aft lean of the speakers.

For my room and seated sweet spot getting the panels to be perpendicular with the floor improved the sound quality.

However when standing it had the opposite effect.
The manual does say to remove the feet, but almost every picture I have seen shows the feet and spikes used together. My opinion is that if you have a down firing passive or active driver, you are better off using both. I know mine sound better that way.
Thanks. I have Theos (not Ethos) so no down firing woof. Currently using the rubber feet as my speakers are still new, have not used them much.