TAS Golden Ear Award 2009
For those who did not see it TAS has awarded (Jonathan Valin )the ML CLX its Golden EAR Award for 2009 June/July/20009 Issue 193,p.56. Stating:
...the most colorlessly neutral. transparent -to-sources speaker I have heard, the CLX is not only extraordinarily realistic-sounding with top flight recordings, it is also extraordinarily revealing, telling you things about how each and every disc in your collection was performed, recorded and mastered that you've simply never heard before. A surprisingly honest transducer, the CLX lowers noise and raises resolution, reproducing pianissimos not just clearly but softly without desaturating tone colors or thinning out textures (like the lean mean CLS did)...If you can live without the bottom octave and a half(or with the addition of a sub to supply it), you cannot find a higher resolution transducer at any price)