HI twitch,
I know you are well intentioned trying to guide me to a better way. But I will repeat. I don't have a static problem. I do understand what you are saying.
I subscribe to the idea that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. In my 50+ years of playing records I have tried almost every dust and static gadget that has come on the market including Soundguard. Ugg, what a mess that stuff is! What I have now works and works well. You are just going to have to take my word for it.
BTW, the Discwasher is damp and not wet. It leaves no visible moisture on the surface. There are reasons that the Discwasher helps with static which has to do with equalizing the charge regions across the surface. It's the moisture that does this, not the brush itself which is just the moisture carrier. The brush with its directional bristles picks up dust better than any product I have tried. Plus, it is very easy to use and that is very important. Certainly better and easier than any carbon brush. I don't like them. Sorry.
If I had a severe static problem, which I had before becoming a Last convert, I would use the carbon brush. In fact, did. But always in combination with the Discwasher because the carbon brush always left a residue which was removed by the Discwasher. But now there is no need for the carbon brush.
To repeat again, I don't have a static problem. Really. I only use the Discwasher to remove dust that may casually land on the record which is almost nil.
I sense you think I am being pig headed on this subject. I may be but why should I change something that so clearly works? Why should I buy something that will not improve my situation? Why should I buy something that will just end up in my useless hi fi gadgets box? That collection is getting quite big and I don’t intend to add to it.
Out of intellectual curiosity and respect for you I must ask why your carbon brushes are better than the other high quality carbon brushes I currently own. What are their dust removal mechanisms? I may be pig headed on the subject but I'm not immune to a good argument.
The most current one I own is one marketed by Clearaudio that came with my new Oracle Delphi turntable which is functionally identical to the other one I own which and can't find at the moment. I think it was marketed by Decca. That demonstrates how little I care. Yes, they both have the metal frame, the little discharge button and very fine bristles. They look pretty.
Do you use Last? Stylast? On every record? No exceptions? I hope so for the sake of your records and your stylus and to get you off my back

Going off subject slightly, have you ever used an Electronic Stylus Cleaner? They work great if you really want to nondestructively scrub your stylus. I do this every 4 months or so. Having access to a high power Shure Professional (200X) stylus microscope I can verify this gadget works great. Not useless at all. I don't know if they are still being made. I've had mine for about 15 years.
Also, do you know of a quality VTF digital scale that doesn't cost an arm and leg? I currently use the Shure scale which works pretty well but I would like more precision.